Monday, September 5th

Mike doesn’t blame Dylan, and neither does Chelsea – Victor’s to blame. Drop the charges against her she’ll tell all. Chelsea will want Victor to pay for Adam’s death.

Still in the office, Nick tells Chelsea that Victor didn’t want Adam dead – he loved him. I wouldn’t protect my Dad at the expense of Adam – he didn’t do it. Chelsea informs that Paul will drop the charges if she tells them how Victor framed Adam. Don’t send him back to Walworth, Nick can’t lose any more family.

We both care about Chelsea and Connor, Chloe tells Victor – she sees Delia in Connor. She wouldn’t take his father away and knows Victor didn’t blow up the cabin either. Then who did? Maybe Adam did.

Victor doesn’t believe that Adam would leave Chelsea and Connor. Chloe thinks he may have wanted to spare them a life on the run. He’s alive, she’s sure. This is my son – if I find out you killed him, God protect you. Chloe exits.

Nick thinks Chelsea should be home with her son – she just lost her husband. Adam’s gone – she can’t lead you anywhere. Paul and Dylan need Chelsea’s cooperation. But she doesn’t think Victor responsible and neither does Nick. Let her go home – Connor’s home with neither of his parents – what if it was Sully? OK – Chelsea’s allowed to go home (with Nick)

When Jill drops by, Vikki introduces her former Mother in law and current boss to Travis, her boyfriend. Jill announces the business trip she, Billy and Cane are going on. Getting a text from Dylan, Vikki goes to meet him. That leaves Jill to ask Travis to sit down and tell her all about himself.

In Jack’s office, Ashley and Phyllis flock to him as he receives a call from Paul. It’s Adam, Jack’s emotional.

Mike drops by Victor’s office – there was no one at reception. He has some news about Adam. Victor knows about the explosion – I didn’t do it. My son is dead, Victor weeps when hearing about the DNA.

A bar and a boat? Jill declares Travis ‘multi-faceted’ – and fishes for info on Vikki’s trip to Mexico. Jill wants her and the kids to be happy. Travis does too. Lovely to meet you, Jill pauses to look pissed on the front porch (she’s had to admit that Travis is a ‘nice boy’)

Travis isn’t so polite when Billy lets himself in the back door – his kids live here. Travis guesses he was hiding and listening to his conversation with Jill. Yes, and Billy makes it clear that the business trip was her idea – Jill gets what she wants.

At the station, Dylan gently tells Vikki that Adam’s dead. She’s emotional – it’s different this time – Adam was different this time. Does my Dad know? Mike went to tell him. Vikki runs out.

Mike pours himself a drink as he muses that Chelsea should be home with Connor by now. Why was she at the station? Aiding and abetting Adam’s escape. Nick talked Chelsea out of making a statement against you. This time, she’s lost Adam forever. Thanks for coming by, Victor dismisses Mike to cry alone.