Monday, April 17th

Reed has a plan – he’ll keep the car at Grandpa’s house. Why did Mom take it away?! Billy would hate for this to ruin their relationship. Talk to her, Reed implores – try change her mind.

Vikki has no time for games – what did Dad do before he left? He made me acting CEO – I’m running NE til Dad’s back, Abby boasts. Vikki’s not overly impressed – Good luck. Abby claims to be the only child who cares about Victor’s legacy; he’s grooming me to take over. Caring isn’t competence, Vikki informs – and don’t put Dad on a pedestal; it’ll be your turn soon. Give him this and make sure he knows it’s from me (car keys)

Eating at the NY restaurant, Traci and Ravi enjoy getting to know one another. She’ll send him a ‘galley copy’ of her next novel; not science fiction but it is historical fiction. After Ravi leaves, Traci sees why Ashley likes the ‘adorable’ Ravi.

Billy doesn’t have much clout with Vikki. Please try, Reed pleads. Fine, but don’t get your hopes up.

Nikki confides that she was a dancer. The Bijou is long gone. Everything exists online – Tessa looks on her phone. Oh wow – it was a strip club (she’s impressed) Nikki appreciates the ‘total props’. Tessa now understands why Nikki’s not ‘stuck up’. Nick arrives and is introduced to Tessa (who Noah’s a big fan of) After Tessa goes to the kitchen, Nick needs to talk to his Mom about him and Sharon.

At BnS, Billy updates on Lily and Jordan’s itinerary in Philly then broaches the subject of Reed’s car being confiscated. Vikki just dropped the keys off at Victor’s office. Billy knows it’s not about the car – what’s going on between you and Victor?

Still at the restaurant, Ashley admits that Ravi has a crush on her – she blew him off to have dinner with the rude Benjamin Hoffman. Traci believes that Ashley’s having trouble finding true happiness because their Dad was such a good role model – no one’s lived up to him.

Nikki will miss Faith but she should be with Nick and Sharon. Nick regrets punching Victor but is relieved to hear that he’s gone. They gripe about Victor buying Reed a car – he did the same thing with Noah. Nick then worries about his Mom hiring Tessa, whom she barely knows.

Arriving at Reed’s expecting a ride to school, Zoey’s updated that the car’s gone – your Mom really is a witch. Let’s skip school and hang out here. Yeah, awesome, Reed agrees. Zoey and music are the only good things in his life right now.

Back at BnS, Vikki threatens to have security remove Billy. She’s sorry if she sent him the wrong signals. Billy wants to know what’s going on (with her and Victor) Vikki doesn’t want a romance with Billy; I’d be insane to go there again (she slams the conference room door and Billy leaves)

On the sofa, Zoey talks about a 16-year-old actress who got emancipated from her parents – and is disappointed when Reed doesn’t jump on it. Zoey then boasts that her folks let her do whatever she wants – they even leave her home alone for the weekend. Reed hopes that Kendall’s uncle signs him – then he can go on tour. For now, we’ll have fun here, Zoey says as she gives Reed a kiss.

Business out of the way, Tessa confides she’s not used to people being so trusting. She appreciates and likes Nikki – but is her husband OK with this? He’s … intimidating. Nikki updates that Victor’s out of town. She and Tessa look forward to working with one another. No, actually, Nikki’s not OK – but she will be.

Scott drops by CL’s – of course he’ll help Sharon with her schoolwork. Hearing Faith’s coming home, Scott thinks Sharon should put herself first – life’s unpredictable. Are you free tonight? For what? Say yes and you’ll find out, he flirts.