Friday, August 9th

Phyllis arrives at the party, ready to put Summer in her place. “Why are you even here summer, I thought you couldn’t stand Sharon?” “No, no, no, that’s how I used to be!” Summer turns her attention away from her Mother, and now she is facing everyone. If Mariah can learn to be an adult, so can I! We are all a part of a blended, extended family, I’m not how I used to be. Oh really, Summer? Phyllis moves closer to her daughter. What about what you did to Jack? Summer goes into defense mode. All she can muster is “No, no, no, no.” Finally she says that Phyllis should be looker for a better match than her and Billy.

The Ashby family assembles for dinner. Charlie breaks the ice, asking what is going on. Mattie pushes for her mother to tell him the truth. Lily lightly tells Charlie that she plead guilty, and that everything was going to be OK. Mattie drops the bomb that the maximum sentence is 20 years, but Cane interjects saying that she will make out better than that.

Summer has left the rest of the party to try on a gown. Phyllis questions how Summer learned to argue and manipulate so much. Well.. you’re quite the hard-hitter too, Phyllis. Next to arrive is Victoria and Nikki, who are stunned to see Phyllis, although they play it cool. Summer runs down the stairs to greet the newest guests. Phyllis eagerly sits her daughter down, ignoring Sharon’s request for peace. Ask me about my relationship, Summer. What do you want to know? Summer’s theory states that there is supposed to be the wild one, and then the stable one in a relationship. So how are you two a good match? Mariah disagrees with Summer’s theory. Even Victoria agrees that two equally wild people can be with one another. Summer argues that there is constant tension between her mother and Billy all the time. Sharon bursts out saying that every couple has tension, and as a matter of fact she almost called off the wedding a few weeks ago. All the women turn their attention to Sharon, silent. Nick walks in, the women scattering as they come back to reality. Why’s Phyllis here, Nick asks. Victoria suggests that Sharon make her a bridesmaid too.

Sharon awkwardly states that Phyllis doesn’t have an obligation to become a bridesmaid, while Victoria joins in saying how nice it is that everyone is there for one another when needed. Mariah, while pouring her wine states that this wedding party is a recipe for disaster. Sharon and Phyllis agree that maybe her being a bridesmaid isn’t a good idea after all. All the women leave to fill their wine glasses, except Nikki. She asks Nick if Victor will be invited. If he can come without causing a scene, fine.

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Billy kicks Kyle and Ashley out of his office, still defending his plan. You’re only telling Kyle all of this misinformation because you need him on your side, Ashley. Absolutely not, Billy. He deserves to know. When they leave, Kyle and Ashley agree that Billy is out of control. Kyle wants to know just how much his loyalty is worth to Ashley.

Charlie compares the family meal to the last supper. Lily did nothing wrong! It was an accident. She wasn’t high, or drunk, so why should she serve 20 years? Cane assures his son that nothing will tear their family apart.

Nick apologizes for having to miss the fitting, but he has to attend this acquisition meeting. According to Jack, it could be a huge move for Dark Horse. The women begin their fashion show. Victoria, Summer and Mariah all model a different dress and ultimately, they choose Mariah’s. As Phyllis and Sharon see their daughters in dresses, they think of pastimes and parties from past years. Hilary becomes the topic of conversation and Mariah reflects on the beauty of her wedding. The women toast to Hilary’s braveness.

Ashley takes Kyle for dinner. Kyle wants to know about her plan to overrule that “blood-Abbott” clause, but says it’s better for Kyle if he doesn’t know. When he threatens to leave her by standing up, she has no choice but to let him in. Ashley tells Kyle that Dark Horse is going to acquire the leasing company that controls the contract for the retail space Billy plans to build on. When Billy’s plan fails the entire board will be aware of Billy’s failure and have no choice but to turn their backs on him. Kyle is impressed with the plan, and happy that Jack will have a say in the company.