Friday, August 17th

Cane and Billy bond over how they both are prone to giving in to temptation and following their worst instincts. Billy wishes the Ashby’s good luck – give Lily my best. Cane will.

About to enter the office, Neil listens to Lily whine about how harsh she was with Hilary – I don’t blame Devon for hating me. Keep trying, Neil encourages. Now in the office, he stops Devon from going home and reminds that he and Lily love one another as siblings. Lily and Devon agree that Neil hasn’t failed them. How can I save this family? he implores in earnest.

Having sent Neil an email, Devon repeats that he’s working from home and exits. Lily’s left to mope – I should have been the one to go. She can feel Devon’s rage. I lost my brother 🙁

As Summer rushes over to ask the rooftop bartender if he’s seen Billy, Nick appears to ask if she’s keeping up her end of their deal. Insulted, Summer came to discuss business with Billy. But if she’s not to be trusted maybe she should just tell him and Sharon the truth. Yanking Summer aside by her arm, Nick reminds that both relationships were on a break – so no cheating. And why is Summer so interested in her Mother’s boyfriend? Summer claims to be grossed out by the very idea that she has a ‘crush’ on Billy. Launching into a spiel about her parents being ‘serial cheaters’ she hisses ‘if you see Billy, tell him I’m looking for him’ and stalks off.

Billy finds Ashley waiting for him in his office – good morning, or should I say good afternoon? She won’t fight him on the Jabotiques and as COO will do what she can to make them successful. There’s a trade show in Philadelphia, she informs – but denies having a motive to get Billy out of town (like he did when sending her to Berlin) I’d be a lot more subtle, she smiles and leaves Billy to wonder.

Now home, Devon mopes over a box of Hilary’s things and a framed photo. Mariah drops by to see how he’s doing. Devon’s not sure – he wakes up every morning reliving his loss and isn’t sure how he’ll survive without Hilary. He’s packed up some clothes to donate to charity. She’d love that. No, she’d hate that – but Mariah will help anyway.

Lily’s worried about her Dad and appreciates him trying to reason with Devon. With ‘I love you’s’ and a hug, Lily leaves Neil to send Ashley a text asking if she’s free later. Without hesitation and barely missing a step, Ashley replies – sorry – busy day at work. Neil slumps back into the sofa looking disappointed.