Wednesday, October 3rd

That witch stood him up, Phyllis is sure (as Nick marches towards the church’s exit. Billy doesn’t want to jump to conclusions. On the other side of the church, Victor wonders aloud why Sharon’s a no-show. Who knows what goes on in that woman’s mind, Nikki eyes Vikki. In the foyer, Mariah suggests Sharon went to buy new shoes or spilt something on her dress. Jack’s eager to find a rational explanation too – maybe her car broke down. Maybe Sharon’s phone is dead. After Jack goes to speak to the minister, Nick announces a brief delay then continues to grill Mariah on Sharon’s state of mind. If she’s ‘calm and looking forward to the wedding’ why isn’t she here??

Nick leaves yet another message for Sharon – please call to let me know everything’s OK. Phyllis and Summer doubt Kyle blabbed to Sharon. Nick’s then left to ask Phyllis what could have happened. Give Sharon more time, she says. Nick’s then surprised when Noah arrives.

Faith’s delighted to see Noah – and Mom will be so happy you’re here. Jack comes along to take credit for Noah being there to take over best man duties. Your Mom will be so happy to see you, Nick echoes Faith’s words. Where is she? Noah asks.

*** Sorry. No time for spellcheck or proofreading etc. No comments – but wow. Good for you Sharon. But really – a white wedding dress? Puh-lease.

Aside, Mariah regrets telling Sharon that Nick cheated with Phyllis – on her wedding day. She’s probably freaking out somewhere – I wish she took my advice and called off the wedding. Tessa’s optimistic – maybe Sharon’s just taking a walk. Mariah then worries about telling Noah that she’s dating his ex. You’ll have to tell him eventually, Tessa states the obvious.

Nikki and Vikki are pleased that Noah came. Too bad he came for a wedding that won’t happen, a gloomy Victor wonders why Sharon stood Nick up. Nikki and Vikki exchange a knowing look.

Jack takes a quick look outside the church as Noah’s greeted by his grandparents. He appreciates that the door is always open at Newman but he belongs at Dark Horse. Good luck, you’ll need it, Victor jokes. With Nick, Jack asks the Minister to delay the wedding – then tells Billy that he hopes they’re all toasting the newlyweds soon.