Tuesday, March 15th

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At the club, Summer tries to keep the peace. Luca does indeed wonder what’s in it for him. Noah and Marisa get married and he’s left with what? Self respect, Marisa suggests – and the job you manipulated your way into at Jabot. Live your life and let me live mine.

Lily’s brought the ‘hooligan’ twins and a picnic basket (for a picnic in the park) to Cane’s suite. Surprise!

Sage heaps praise on the smart, generous, caring Shawn. What you’re doing is incredible. Dylan drops by with the good news on Noah. Nick didn’t call, Sage assumes he’s celebrating.

At Top of the Tower, Nick confides in Sharon – Shawn moving in with him and Sage isn’t the right answer (and picks Sharon’s brain on giving Cassie up for adoption) Thanks for listening. Nick’s smile fades when he sees Chelsea (the only one he can go to for answers on what Adam’s up to)

Oops. Looks like Sage somehow missed Nick’s call – he left a message. Dylan tells Shawn that he’s checked her apartment – it’s safe to go home. Shawn appreciates that and thinks their intertwined lives are crazy (Nick being Dylans’ brother and Sharon’s ex) How does that work? Sage and Dylan are speechless.

Nick and Sharon join Chelsea (who accepts Sharon’s apology for their last encounter) Nick questions Adam staying away from Newman – not believing that the company isn’t important to him anymore. Leopards don’t change their spots. Sure they do, Chelsea points out – since when did you care about NE?

Back at the club, Luca angers Noah by pointing out that he’s never been married. His fiance was killed he day of their wedding, Marisa informs. Luca’s sorry – he didn’t know. Why drag this out? Luca needs time to adjust – Marisa is the love of his life. When Noah laughs, Summer defends Luca – give him some time! How did you expect him to react? His heart’s been broken. As Luca asks Summer to stay and talk to him, Noah scowls at the pair from the staircase.

In their suite, Marisa worries that Luca will stall on signing the divorce papers. Noah’s confident – we ARE getting married. Yes, he promises ~kiss~

Luca buys Summer iced tea for defending him. Why did she? Summer knows about losing someone you love. Luca wishes he’d met her months ago Where’ve you been? he quips.

Too cold to picnic outside, the Ashby family are at CL’s. Go order whatever you want, the twins are told. When are you moving home? they ask their Dad.

It took us a while to get to the point – we all get along for Faith. Shawn’s happy her baby will be part of this. Sage has to take Faith to her friends’. She’ll have Nick take Shawn to her place for her stuff when he’s done.

Adam has a new job; managing hedge funds. They’re no longer moving to New York though. Adam’s opening up a branch in Chicago – Chelsea and Connor will stay in GC. He’ll go back and forth. Chelsea now offers Sharon a job. Accepting, she goes to call Dylan (leaving Nick to ask if Chelsea can hire Sage. Yes, the baby’s coming soon? That’s why Nick needs it to happen.