Monday, August 10th, 2020

Back at TGP, Nick can tell that Phyllis is scheming. You’re dirty, literally, he wipes a smudge off her neck. Promise me no one will get hurt, like Abby. I need to get to work, Phyllis says over the noise of construction, leaving Nick to call Abby with an offer.

I was fired from Jabot, Theo admits. Jack’s been great and he won’t blame Kyle either. It wasn’t a good fit; Chancellor’s more his niche. You know how to reach me – thanks for hearing me out, Theo exits.

Sharon confides to Mariah that she hasn’t seen what’s beneath her bandages. Is this crazy and superficial? No, Mariah reassures – it would be weird if you weren’t worried. As for Rey, he loves you. Look at these scars as a symbol or your strength; you’re the most beautiful woman in the world to me.

Meeting Nick at Society, Abby looks at his tablet – full of photos of buildings he owns; pick one. You’re not me, you’re doing this for Phyllis; you’ve fallen for her again, she realizes.

Jack ends his call when Theo arrives to discuss unfinished business.

No, Phyllis didn’t put me up to this but Nick knows that she put her heart and soul into TGP. Haven’t you two fought enough? As both their phones ping, Abby looks at hers – wow, this is really gonna change things.

In TGP lounge, Amanda updates Phyllis that she accepted a job as Chancellor Communications in-house counsel. Lily has her head on straight but I don’t have to tell you what a handful Billy is, Phyllis doesn’t seem to approve.

Surprisingly, Billy wants to hire Theo while Lily has reservations.

At CL’s, Theo apologizes for storming out of Jabot and doesn’t want his job back because of his DNA. Jack bristles – everyone at Jabot worked for their positions. That said, he can’t deny Theo’s suggestion that they share a trouble-causing gene.

Sharon, Rey and the three girls enjoy their pizza and conversation.

Jack’s impressed that Theo wants to spend time with his grandmother – being ousted from Jabot doesn’t mean he’s ousted from the family – that bond is there forever. Theo’s left to look guilty.

Back at TGP, Phyllis is sure Amanda knows what she’s doing where Billy’s concerned. She then changes the topic to ask for ideas on a perfect ‘stay-cation’.

Abby and Nick got the same text from Vikki – she’s back in charge and will provide more details later. Hopefully, she bested Adam once and for all, Nick then wants to get back to it – do we have a deal?

My Thoughts: Welcome back dear readers. I wish you all safety and good health. This can best be accomplished by avoiding non-essential outings, wearing a mask, social distancing and washing your hands for 20 seconds as frequently as possible; sanitizing when not possible. While we’ve been on sabbatical, I have witnessed firsthand the effects of Covid-19 and sincerely advise you to protect yourselves.