Thursday, December 9th, 2021

Devon’s very impressed with Noah’s project thus far. You’ve really captured Tessa’s soulful eyes. He was hesitant to hire Noah, given that he dated Tessa while he dated Mariah. Devon always found Tessa ‘guarded’ but it’s clear she’s comfortable being open with you.

At Society, Mariah admires Tessa’s proofs. Noah really captured something. He got me to relax by getting me to talk about my love for you.

Abby used to be selfish – but Chance made her a better person. I’m no saint, he sighs (and he’s not thinking about what happened in Spain) Mariah watches from across the restaurant. co

On their way out, Tessa and Mariah pause to thank Abby for the complimentary tasting menu. And what a beautiful faily you three make. Chance has Mariah to thank for that. After they leave, Abby explains her reaction when he invited Mariah to visit anytime – she got really attached to the baby (something Chance can relate to) Yes, he’s thinking of his dead team – every minute of every day.

When Amanda comes home, Devon introduces her to Noah. Remembering his light and shadow tribute for Victor, she asks him to design a corporate ID package if he has any free time. After Noah leaves, Amanda offers to take Devon out for lunch.

Phyllis pulls a hat out of the box Nick’s brought, then a mug. She’s not happy that he’s returning the best Valentine’s gift ever (a handheld video game) Except that the sign he bought from Pepe’s Roadhouse. Wouldn’t fit, Nick quips.

Neither Nick or Phyllis regret their time together. He’s mostly avoiding his family (what she told him to do) Vic says I’m pushing everyone away – including you.

Noah’s back at CL’s looking for Tessa. No, he can’t let his Mom see the photos before he looks at them with Tessa. Sharon’s happy to see him fired up. Tessa got my creative juices flowing. Mariah and Tessa appear awkwardly.

Devon and Amanda arrive as Abby and Chance are leaving Society (because Dom’s a little fussy) Chance doesn’t seem amused to hear that Devon was always able to settle Dominic down. I’m so boring I’d put anyone to sleep, he jokes. Are you OK? Amanda asks. Yeah, of course, Devon lies.

Nick’s focusing on New hope and the kids. Phyllis really misses Summer and Daniel. Getting an urgent summons to the ranch, Nick’s exit is clumsy (but the attraction still seems to be there) Phyllis then gets a text from Jack – he’s busy with work but will make it up to her when he gets back.

Mariah praises Noah on the phenomenal photos. He and Devon picked their favorite – but Tessa gets final say. Taking her phone, it seems they’ve all chosen the same one (which Sharon finally gets to see) Mariah has to get back to work – but lingers to watch Tessa laughing. Spotting her, Tessa comes to the patio to assure Mariah that she’s happy and in love. Noah watches enviously.

Back at Society, Amanda’s law firm is generating interest before it’s even open. She wants to paint dove grey but Imani wants to go bolder. No, Devon’s not paying attention. Did Chance seem off? he also worries that Dominic will pick up on his parents stress.

After Abby takes Dominic up to bed, Chance gets a call from his Mom. No need to come home from Australia. Everything’s good. I love you and miss you like crazy. I promise, I’m fine. Abby frowns/listens on the staircase.

Next Week: I’m in control, Billy’s calm – I’ve never been more focused in my life. If that’s true then there’s something I want you to do and you’re not gonna like it, Lily replies … Elena’s stunned; wait what? You heard me, Nate knows. Are you asking me to move in with you?! … Are you OK? Noah asks a disheveled Chance. It kinds seems like you’re not. …. So tell me, Chelsea joins Chloe – what’d I miss?