Monday March 14th, 2022

Sally enters the office as Adam’s leaving another message for his Father (looking for an update on Mike) My Father might be shutting me out – again, he suspects.

On the CL’s patio, Victor tells Nick that Baldwin sent bank statements; the doctor in Peru received a lot of money from a subsidiary of Locke Communications. Problem is, Mike’s missing. If he’s harmed, Victor will hold Ashland responsible. He had to tell Vikki everything (though she doesn’t believe it)

Ashland can’t explain why there’s a paper trail between him and the doctor on Peru – it’s the first he’s heard of it. Victor’s setting me up. We need to find a way to prove it, Vikki states.

On the phone with Traci, Jack updates her on everything except that he has a granddaughter (whose photo he now holds in his hand)

When Phyllis returns with coffee and sandwiches, Jack calls her his rock. Traci’s glad she’s there for him. Ally sends Jack a text apologizing for being rude ‘but it’s a lot to take in’. Guess it’s time to go home, Jack decides. Phyllis points something out – Ally knows we’re from GC.

Vikki’s sure this paper trail’s a hack job or an inside job. But she doesn’t believe her Father came up with this ridiculous scheme. Ashland doesn’t care about his business reputation – he only needs to have Vikki believe in him.

Victor tells Nick that the paperwork’s signed naming Ashland as Vikki’s co-CEO. He played this pretty well, Nick admits – what will you do? It’s not what I will do, it’s what YOU will do, Victor corrects.

Sally thinks it might be a good thing that Victor’s focus is, as always, on Vikki. Adam agrees that if things go downhill for Newman Locke, it may create an opening he can take advantage of.

Victor doesn’t want Nick to do anything illegal or unethical – just talk to your sister. Do it for me, and the family – what do you have to lose?

Phyllis is sure Ally did some research online. She must have been curious. Jack will back off; giving them both time to process everything. Fine, but Phyllis insists they investigate who sent the messages that brought Jack to LA.

Jack’s done enough investigating. After Phyllis steps out, he calls Kyle. Over videochat, he updates that Keemo’s dead and that he has a daughter.

Vikki knows Ashland’s innocent – but the evidence is growing. When Nate sends a text, wanting to see Ashland, Vikki encourages him not to jump to conclusions; he’s your friend and confidante. Nate’s a good man, Ashland agrees. Over his shoulder, Vikki looks distraught.