Monday, March 21st, 2022

You’re right, there is something I need to confess – it’s a pretty big thing, earth-shattering. Vikki’s ready to listen. Here it is – I love you, he cups her face with his hands. You’re a gift I don’t deserve. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy. That’s the confession. He can see that Vikki’s torn. Yes, I’m so sorry, she admits. Putting the blame on the Newman family, Ashland wants to go to Tuscany – today. Before Vikki can answer, Nikki barges in – you’re the only one I can turn to. It’s a private matter, can we please go somewhere to be alone??? Ashland all but rolls his eyes.

Still at Newman Media, Adam grumbles that Dad shot his idea down yesterday. If Vikki doesn’t come around, does the board have the authority to nullify Ashland’s contract? And Vikki’s? Again with his finger in the air, Victor won’t hear of firing Vikki (Nick agrees) When Adam questions Vikki’s decision-making skills, Nick accuses him of trying to make a power grab of his own.

Devon and Lily’s heavy-handed pitch rubs Nate the wrong way. He has to think about it. It might not be the perfect move for me, he startles them and Elena with his abruptness.

Back at Newman, Nikki’s no longer asking Ashland to go – she’s ordering him to leave this office.

Adam has a vested interest in Newman Locke, unlike Nick, he actually works here. Victor makes it clear to his son’s that protecting Vikki is top priority. Lauren barges in to demand answers from Victor.

Never mind how Lauren found out that Victor has people looking for Mike – where is he? Victor admits he’s lost contact with him, but isn’t happy that she went to Kevin, who went to the GCPD. Trust you? she scoffs, then asks Adam and Nick if they know anything (they clearly do)

Not everything is about you, Nikki weepily claims that she and Victor had a big fight. We both said things we can’t take back. Vikki then asks Ashland to leave while she talks to her Mom. He truly wishes Nikki the best – you’re lucky to have such a caring daughter.

Nick and Adam reassure Lauren, without giving her any details. Victor can NOT tell Lauren what’s going on but WILL remedy the situation. Getting a text from Nikki, Nick and Adam hurry out – Victor will follow shortly. Does that have something to do with Mike? Lauren asks. In a way, Mike’s on an important mission – you have my word I’ll do everything in my power to bring him home safely.

Nate apologizes for blowing up at Devon and Lily. No, forgive us for offering you a cool job, Devon quips. Lily actually is sorry for bombarding Nate. What’s going on? It’s complicated. We’re all here for you, Elena says. After Nate leaves, Lily and Devon ask her what’s wrong. Elena can only say that Nate will be OK but the job might be a good idea – he’ll need something to latch onto.

Still in the office, Vikki asks her Mom about her fight with Dad. He’s crossed the line and needs to be stopped. Nikki has no doubt that Victor was right to investigate his suspicions. Vikki’s pissed off that she’s been duped. Ashland’s been lying to you. How far are you willing to go? Vikki protests. Enter Victor – as far as is necessary. Nick tells Vikki that they aren’t leaving until she’s seen all the evidence.