Wednesday, April 6th, 2022

At CL’s, Billy reports to Nick that he did indeed speak to Vikki. She didn’t reveal her plan and thinks Victor’s guys watching over her Tuscany is all the protection she needs. Both worry it’s not enough.

Still in the office, Ashland ends a call with the pilot. After checking his weather app, he realizes there is no storm – Victor was delaying our departure. Vikki sighs, exasperated by her Father’s stall tactics. Looks like they’re sticking around to clear Ashland’s name.

Rey and Chance are hanging out on the CL’s patio; soon the partners will be back in action again.

At Society, Abby chats with Chelsea about how much fun it is running your own business (unless Phyllis is your partner) Chelsea lists all the ways she’s getting a fresh start – she’s proud that she didn’t let bumps in the road derail her. Bumps, meaning my brother? Abby guesses.

Finding Adam and Sally working late, Victor has no interest in his son’s ideas. Adam was made CEO (temporarily) to make sure there were no changes, not to instigate changes.

Sally stands to back up and elaborate upon Adam’s ‘genius’ and ‘bold’ ideas for expansion and rebranding; including building a streaming platform and recording studio. Adam knows Vikki doesn’t have her eye on the ball, he doesn’t want anyone taking advantage of that. The only ones Victor sees taking advantage is ‘the two of you’.

Billy and Nick continue to chat at CL’s. Vikki feels she’s been played a fool and made to look weak and incompetent. She’ll react by A) going into denial or B) taking Ashland down herself.

Vikki’s OK putting their trip on hold – we can still focus on proving that Adam’s the one framing you. At least he’ll be stripped of his fake CEO title before he can put his feet up on your desk, Ashland quips. So, what’s the plan? Vikki asks.

When Rey praises Chance for not giving up, Chance credits Abby and Devon (for pushing him to seek therapy) Yes, Devon’s a good friend and Father – he and Dom have an incredible bond. Chance isn’t sure he’ll ever be on the same level as Abby and Devon. Rey can relate.

Back at Society, Chelsea confides that she tried to reconnect with Adam but he wasn’t willing to take the risk. Abby’s had relationships like that – the love remains but the trust is gone. She’s happy now and knows Chelsea will be too.

Victor knows that Sally only wants what’s best for Adam (before politely dismissing her) She’s a supportive COO, very eager for you to make your mark on the company. Singing Sally’s praises, Adam’s warned not to get too close, or confuse personal and professional. Let’s just focus on getting rid of Ashland.

Vikki’s sure Adam’s arrogance will trip him up. To convince yourself that you could pull something like this off you’d have to believe yourself invincible. Vikki’s counting on Adam’s own hubris to bring him down.

Chelsea tells Abby that Adam’s a great Father who puts Connor first. Abby knows her brother’s a complicated person who wasn’t always there for his son. Chelsea admits she wasn’t either and has been feeling guilty for letting Connor down. Abby’s surprised Chelsea’s so protective of Adam. We’ll always have a bond because of Connor, is the reply.