Monday, April 18th, 2022

At Newman, Ashland’s gung ho to leave GC. He’s stunned when Vikki makes it abundantly clear that she tricked him into signing everything away. It’s your turn to be deceived.

Rey strolls into CL’s to kiss Sharon. She comments on his ‘sharp’ new jacket and is perfectly fine with him going to Chicago with Chelsea and Connor, who then arrive (and Sharon now doesn’t look so fine with it)

At Newman Media, Victor clinks his glass with Adam’s but doesn’t think it time for sibling rivalry (when Adam makes catty remarks about Vikki)

Ashland knew Vikki wouldn’t believe in her head that he was set up – but hoped she would in her heart; that their love would win out and they’d have a future. A future!? Vikki shrieks. Ashland doesn’t care about the money and freedom – all I want is you.

Victor chides Adam for not being satisfied that he was the one to get rid of Ashland. OK, Adam gives Vikki credit for being tough – but she’ll need time to recover while we control Ashland’s empire; a bargain at half a billion.

Ashland admits to everything – after finding out that his wife cheated and that Harrison wasn’t his, he channeled his anger into going after Newman. How could you let that sweet boy think you were dying? Vikki now knows that’s why Ashland let Harrison go to Italy with Kyle. Ashland admits he lied to get his hands on Newman – but then, something shocking happened – I fell in love with you.

Chelsea thanks Sharon for lending Rey to her and Connor. It makes sense to stay overnight, Sharon looks forward to an evening to herself to watch TV. Chelsea gets the sense that Sharon’s overcompensating – are you really OK with what’s happening tonight?

Nikki and Nick join Adam and Victor. They’re happy to hear that Adam’s plan worked. Yes, Vikki knows – she’s probably still in the office with Ashland. All hope she’s kicking him to the curb.

Ashland has never loved anyone as profoundly as he loves Vikki – for the first time in his life, he doesn’t know what to do next.

While Rey and Connor are having a great time chatting, Sharon insists she’s fine with them going to Chicago. Chelsea just wants her to be comfortable – and as upfront as she’s being.

Victor vows to ‘get’ Ashland if he makes one wrong move.

Vikki gets emotional as she confronts Ashland with his past. She can’t possibly believe him now and doesn’t care what happens to him after he walks through that door. Ashland doesn’t believe that.