Monday, April 18th, 2022

Honestly, Sharon’s glad that she and Chelsea get along – let’s not look for problems where there are none. However, she doesn’t look pleased when Chelsea goes to joke with Connor and Rey.

Ashland implores Vikki to leave with him and start over. She is starting over – alone. With nothing left to say except ‘sorry’, Ashland leaves.

Victor’s security guys have alerted him that Ashland’s leaving the building alone. Nikki and Nick are relieved.

Vikki rips her portrait off the wall, smashes it, grabs her coat, and storms out of the office.

Finding Vikki’s destroyed portrait, the Newmans are concerned. Nick calls security – Vikki left alone five minutes ago. Let’s go get something to eat. Adam appreciates the invite but has work to go do.

As a crying Vikki drives in the darkness, Victor and Nick convince Nikki to come to Society for food.

In his office, Adam calls Sally with the great news that his plan worked. Ashland’s gone and it’s all thanks to me. My Father’s very appreciative. When the dust settles he’ll ask about staying on as CEO. They agree to meet.

Before sending Rey off with treats (and Chelsea and Connor) Sharon gives him a long kiss. Chelsea looks away as they exchange I love you’s. Uh oh, realizing that he left the tickets at home, Rey will quickly go get them.

After Chelsea takes Connor onto the patio to wait, Nick arrives to update Sharon that they’ve gotten rid of one mess but the next one might be getting Adam to give up the CEO seat.

In Sally’s suite, Adam finds rose petals on the bed and bubbly on ice. A note tells him to have a drink to his success – she’ll be back soon. Adam pours – ‘to a new beginning’.

Vikki calls her Mom. No, she won’t be joining her parents at Society. Everything will work out, Nikki reassures. Will it? Vikki admits that she almost left with Ashland. Refusing to pull over and wait to be picked up, Vikki wails about making the same mistakes with men – she suddenly screams. With a screech of tires, she swerves off the road. Victoria!??? a terrified Nikki looks at Victor.

My Thoughts: I wonder who Vikki ran into. Rey’s on the road – Sally’s on the road – Ashland’s on the road – Adam has no more kidneys to donate…. Did Nikki really expect Vikki to be in the mood for food? Couldn’t Victor’s team that’s been supposedly looking out for her have tailed her when she drove off? … Weird how this whole thing went down without Abby knowing a thing. Remember that time she was so annoyed at being left out of the loop when it came to Newman family matters? … It’s dark outside already – hockey games start at 7 pm-ish. Good luck with that. If Chelsea really appreciates Sharon and Rey’s friendship, she can leave them alone and find dates online (like everyone else) Where does Adam live again? Is he still in the tack house or is he sharing that teeny tiny suite with Sally? There’s no way there’s enough closet space for all her outfits – even if most of them are missing a sleeve or the part that covers the mid-drift.