Monday, May 23rd, 2022

Sally stops by Adam’s office with a problem. Chancellor Winters will be major competition – is there enough room in this town for both of us?

Devon, Lily and Billy are at the office planning their big debut party; the playlist, the guest list, the dancing, balloons and confetti. The event will be live-streamed from TGP ballroom. Chancellor Winters has arrived!

At CL’s, Noah’s folks are gushing over photos of the wedding he’s showing them on his phone. All their phones go off when the newlyweds send a message from Paris. When Sharon mentions Rey, Nick thinks it time to liven things up.

At Society to pick up food to take back to Chancellor, Nate stops by Amanda and Imani’s table. They just got some bad news.

Chancellor Winter has a stable of talent, Sally frets. They can’t touch our tech, Adam reassures. Taking a quick call from his Dad, he mutters – unbelievable.

Continuing to pat themselves on the back, Devon and Lily know that Kay and Neil must be loving them merging the companies. Billy looks slightly left out.

** Sorry for the delay – it’s Victoria Day here in Canada (more commonly known as the May Two-Four) Also – no proofreading!

Worried about their Mother’s heart palpitations increasing, Imani’s more reassured by Nate’s positive words, and when Amanda excuses herself to take a call from Naya’s doctor, Nate’s left to comfort Imani by taking her hand across the table. Elena arrives to stare.

Behind the counter, Nick’s tossing whipped cream cans a la Tom Cruise in Cocktails. Noah records his Dad’s moves while Sharon laughs.

Spotting Elena at the door, Nate joins her to explain that he was reassuring Imani (and why) Both with take-out bags, they head back to the table as Amanda relays good news to Imani (who makes faces when Nate kisses Elena, who then joins the sisters for a drink)

Annoyed that Vikki’s gone on vacation, Adam wishes their Father would see that she’s not qualified to be CEO. This could be a blessing in disguise, Sally decides.