Tuesday, August 23rd, 2022

Chloe rejoins Chelsea with dessert as a peace offering. Who could blame you for wanting Rey? He was forgiving and super hot, amirite? With him gone, you’re a little lonely. You think I’m desperate? Needy? Chelsea’s insulted.

As Nikki watches on her tablet on the sofa, Vikki sits at her desk to welcome all to the video conference and introduces her new COO. Seated beside Sally, Nick gives a great little speech. Watching from his chess table, Victor smiles proudly.

Loving an idea presented to her, Vikki turns it over to Sally (who also loves it) This has been a productive call, Vikki wraps it up by thanking everyone for their time – have a good week. Nikki’s impressed – you were totally in your element.

Back at the office, Sally’s also impressed; Vikki’s so tough. She’s put Ashland behind her and came across as poised and polished. Sally’s embarrassed for believing Adam. Vikki’s not a spoiled princess, she’s an inspiring leader. Nick’s really glad to have Sally on their team. Good job – see you around.

Chloe’s not judging, she’s concerned. Chelsea doesn’t need to be warned about Billy; he’s a co-worker and a friend. And an ex, and Johnny’s father, and a 6-foot-tall bucket of charm. Chloe doesn’t think Chelsea’s needy, she thinks her vulnerable. You think I’m crazy?! Let me live my life, please! Chelsea screeches. Across the rooftop, Adam watches.

As Adam lurks, Chloe apologizes – let’s change the subject – how’s Connor? Chelsea didn’t mean to jump down Chloe’s throat but she’s in control of her emotions and affections. Agreeing to talk again after they’ve both cooled off, Chloe leaves. Adam appears – that looked intense. Hearing that he was entertained by her and Billy’s podcast, Chelsea pouts – he doesn’t have time for it anymore so that’s the end of that.

Finding Vikki in the park, Nick relays Sally’s positive review of her video conference. Are you serious about all the acquisitions? Yes, Vikki hands him a list of the companies she wants to acquire. While Nick doesn’t want to bite off more than they can chew, Vikki thinks it the perfect time to be bold.

Nikki comes home to rave about Vikki’s video conference. Victor knows – he sat in without turning his camera on. Do you approve of the direction she’s taking the company? Nikki asks.

Nick’s concerned about the cost and questions his sister’s motivation. Yes, Vikki does feel confident in her decision – and it’s because of you.

Victor was afraid Vikki’s confidence would be shattered but she’s fully recovered. Nikki thinks she’s trying to prove that Ashland didn’t defeat her; no one can. Victor would have done the same thing; he couldn’t be prouder.

Sorry to hear that Billy’s pulling the plug, Adam encourages Chelsea to do her own podcast; maybe bring on a new co-host. When Chelsea comments that doing the podcast makes her feel less ‘invisible’, Adam hopes she doesn’t talk like this in front of Connor. Sally watches as Chelsea responds sharply – you think I’m a bad Mother?! Getting a text, Adam suddenly has to leave.

Vikki knows that Nick will always have her back. You saved me. You’re the best brother I could ever have. There’s nothing we can’t accomplish together. She looks forward to putting it to the test.

Victor’s so proud that Vikki managed to unify the Newman family. Except for Adam, Victor’s tried so hard to integrate him into the family but sadly, he’s never forgiven me for being raised without a Father. But let’s celebrate our daughter – cheers. The Newmans are back! he raises his fists.

Chloe joins Kevin at CL’s as he’s loudly reporting a crime. This is official police business! My messenger bag was stolen from my car while I was in the library!

Before Adam can close the door to his suite at TGP, his guy appears to stick out his foot. This bag belongs to the police, that’ll cost extra. Adam lets him keep the messenger bag. He’s got exactly what he wants – Kevin’s laptop.