Wednesday, December 7th, 2022

Nick doesn’t like what Sally did but reminds Summer that she pressured Kyle into marrying her to save Lola’s life. I’m not that person anymore – and this isn’t about what Mom’s done either. Nick thinks Sally should have the same shot at redemption they did.

When Sally stops by the chat, Lauren mentions Chelsea no longer designing for Fenmore’s or Marchetti. Does that mean you may have forgiven and can trust me again? Sally asks.

Friend of yours? Stark asks. No! Diane and Phyllis respond in unison. But yes, come to think of it, the voice does sound familiar.

Back at the office, Nikki explains that Phyllis took it upon herself to bring Stark to town. Victor then walks in to update of the same. His security team will ensure Jeremy doesn’t enter this building or the ranch. The threat is real.

Nick knows that Sally regrets the way she treated Summer and she’s not after money (she refused his offer of a loan) He’s sorry they don’t see eye to eye but won’t change his mind.

Victor insists Nikki step back now. He’s assigned security to her, Ashley, Summer and Harrision – the rest of the Abbotts (Phyllis and Diane) can take care of themselves.

After Jack leaves to check on Diane and arrange security, Kyle erupts- my own Aunt led a very dangerous man to my family. A sheepish Ashley doesn’t make eye contact.

Phyllis supposes she has one of those voices that one thinks he knows, or wants to get to know. Refusing Diane’s request that she stay, Phyllis leaves Jeremy determined to finish their conversation.

Lauren praises Sally’s design skills but you’re your own worst enemy. She’s happy to hear that she’s learned from her mistakes. As has Lauren, Mike chimes in. Both wish her good luck in her new career path. Unfed, Mike gets a text from Victor – seems lives are at risk, he hurries out.

Summer leaves Nick to update Sally that he told his amazing daughter that no one tells him who he can and can’t date.

Ashley never meant for this to happen – she wasn’t personally involved. Kyle disagrees – you’ve out our entire family in jeopardy. Of course she cares about Harrison; he won’t be harmed. Kyle will find out which one of them brought Stark here or hold them all accountable.

Diane takes Jeremy into Jack’s office to say they have no more to discuss. He heard she helped put him in prison, maybe the lovely Phyllis. You’ve been played, Diane threatens to call security. Jeremy’s not interested in revenge. I want MY money!

Left to flash back to warning Phyllis about contacting Jeremy, a nervous Ashley sends Tucker a ‘can we talk’ text.

Vikki agrees her Mom should cut ties with Ashley and Phyllis. Victor vows to protect them all; of course he doesn’t blame Nikki – it’s Phyllis’ fault. Don’t worry, he leaves to update Mike in the hallway.

Jeremy had everything taken away from him in prison so now wants the money he assumed she hung onto. Return it and you’ll never see me again. Diane used it to rebuild her life after being left high and dry. That’s MY money, he repeats – as Jack walks in.