Tuesday, December 13th, 2022

After a reassuring chat on the phone with his Dad, Harrison’s now in the kitchen with Mrs Martinez. While Kyle’s helping Diane settle in at the cabin, Jack WILL find Stark’s Achilles heel.

Lily feels that she and Billy aren’t in sync. He’s not gambliing again but something else has taken over his life. Lily wants it to stop – but how? she appeals to a sympathetic Traci.

Daniel’s just curious. Billy’s still weighing his options. It feels weird to be questioned by you of all people. Of all people? Daniel’s not sure how to interpret that.

Harrison down for a nap, Jack wants things resolved before he picks up on the tension. Summer thinks it sweet how protective Jack is of Diane. But, how could you forgive her but not my Mom? Jack points out that Diane’s shown that she’s changed; she’s been defending herself from attacks. And though Jack’s had a deep connection with Phyllis since before Summer was born, he just can’t get over the fact that she’s put them all in danger.

Back on the patio, Jeremy considers Phyllis an ally – we want the same thing. Head in her hands, Phyllis admits that she was the one who called him. She wanted Jeremy to scare Diane out of town. There’s no proof she cooperated with the feds. I’m sorry I lied to you. You can go back to LA now. I apologize; it all happened because of me.

Ashley notes that Tucker picked up her favourite food from the bistro. He does pay attention to detail – your eyes sparkle in the afternoon sun. The near-fatal crash really changed him. Tucker wants to create a bond with Devon and to work with him the way he did with Neil. Since Tucker wanted Diane to get financial details on Jabot, Ashley suspects he’s going after CW and Jabot.

Summer can understand why Jack’s giving Diane the benefit of the doubt, and Kyle loves his Mom, we have to support that. Just as you have to support your Mom, Jack understands. Summer always hoped they’d settle down together. But Mom’s her own worst enemy,

This has been illuminating, Jeremy thanks Phyllis for the talk. She’s relieved to have come clean and sorry to have inconvenienced Jeremy. He wants to apologize for thinking the worst of his old flame. Phyllis doesn’t know where Diane is – she’s scared. Jeremy can’t imagine why – have a good day, he leaves Phyllis to look nervous.

Jack and Summer are back at Jabot for their busy afternoon when Phyllis appears needing to talk to both of them – it’s about Jeremy Stark.

After some back and forth, Daniel opines that he doesn’t think Billy supports Lily – you abandoned her (at CW) Good luck with your project, Billy decides to drink elsewhere. Daniel can tell Billy one thing – the project is a platform – to help people find their purpose. Huh, Billy grunts.

Traci suggests Lily and Billy find an objective third party. No, not me, she laughs – professional help. Lily’s open to it but not sure about Billy. Don’t give up on him, Traci hopes it’s just a rough patch – you love each other. Tell him you can’t do it alone. He needs to know he has some work to do here.

Tucker seems hurt – I’ve changed. He wants a mutually agreed upon working relationship with Devon and the brilliant Ashley. Imagine what we could accomplish together. Quit the family business and I’ll help you build your own empire. What would you say to that?

Jeremy asked to meet with me. You obliged? Jack scowls. Yes – he was certain I was the one who called him. It was me, Phyllis admits. I told him Diane’s gone and he should leave too. Summer and Jack are supposed to thank Phyllis? She thinks Jeremy’s staying – he needs to meet with Diane because she has something he wants. I told you to stay away from him, Jack booms – You lied to me – you never, ever change! I told you what the consequences would be if you were the one who brought this danger to us. You report to Summer and Kyle.If it were up to Jack, Phyllis would be fired ‘this second’!