Monday, February 13th, 2023

Sally lurks in the background as Nick and Sharon enjoy a chat at CL’s. After Nick’s summoned to work by Vikki, Sally approaches Sharon – but declines her offer to run and catch Nick for her.

Lily and Daniel run into one another in the park. Happy Valentine’s Day, both look depressed.

At the ranch, Nikki notices that Victor’s not listening to her spiel about a social event that everyone will want to attend. What’s wrong? she asks.

Lily encourages Daniel not to be angry with his Mom. He agrees but it’s hard not to let go of ‘the hurt’ re: Heather and Lucy.

Nick joins his sister at Society (decorated for Valentine’s Day) She reports that Dad wants Adam to run Tucker’s company. Nick doesn’t think it’s a big deal – it’ll give Adam something to do. Other than Sally, Vikki suspects.

Back at CL’s, Sally tells Sharon that things are good between her and Nick. Good, he deserves uncomplicated happiness. Sally admires how close Sharon and Nick are – why didn’t it last? she wants to know.

Lily thinks Daniel should take a step back. Flashback to years ago when she gave him a similar pep talk ~kiss~ You got me through some of my darkest times, he reflects.

Victor gripes about his children being at odds. Nikki knows that Vikki’s not threatened by Adam – she just doesn’t want the chaos he brings to affect his legacy. Adam must prove that he can put the family and company first (which Nikki doesn’t see happening)

Sharon tells Sally that she and Nick were each others first love – we had to learn patience and forgiveness – that’s why we’re still so close.

Since it’s Valentine’s Day, Vikki will lay off Sally; to have his back like he did hers. You can come to me – I won’t push for information. Sally’s pregnant, Nick blurts out.

Being a parent isn’t easy, Victor continues to mope. We’ve done well with our kids, Nikki shows him an old Valentine’s Day card he gave her that she ‘came across’.

Lily and Daniel flash back to dressing up in fruit costumes to sell smoothies on the beach. We had some good times. Flashback to another time Lily helped Daniel – he knows where his baby is. We’re friends and working together – we’ve had a major impact on each other. Lily’s sure Daniel has a happy future to look forward to with his family. He’s not sure about that.