Wednesday, March 29th, 2023

All applaud Jack and Diane. Nick and Sally decide it’s time to go get that burger. Telling Sharon that he is indeed concerned about the baby, Adam follows them.

Refusing Daniel’s request that she stop, Phyllis loudly wails about Diane taking everything from her. She sure is lucky to have won.

** Today’s spoiler is late, incomplete, full of typos and comes to you from Belize; where I’ve finally found an internet connection at a karoake bar on the beach. But hey, the least I can do is provide it to you ad free.

When Danny tries to calm Phyllis down she wobbles. Yes, he can see that she’s changed. Phyllis has been left with no choice (by Diane)

Diane tells Phyllis to go home and sleep it off – you’re drunk (she does appear ready tp pass out)

On the red carpet outside, Amanda asks if Devon and Abby are a couple now. So much for ‘it’ being a ‘moment of confusion’ (as Abby had claimed)

When Amanda agrees to give Devon three minutes of her time, Abby leaves them to it.

Having left the party, Ashley whines about Jack and Diane (who’s gotten everything she wanted) Pouring a drink, Tucker thinks they look happy together. Perhaps he’s biased, but he believes in forgiveness; which is what he’d like from Ashley. He then comes up with an odd way to get through to Jack – marry me.

Back at the party, Phyllis insists she’s sober – the reason she was in a suite with Diane is because she wanted to apologize – wipe the slate clean. They then debate whether Diane ruined Phyllis’ life or she did that all on her own.

Despite her kids’ attempts to calm her down, Phyllis wants to toast the newly engaged Jack and Diane – but is them back to ‘woe is me’. Diane let her son believe she was dead – while she (Phyllis) would sacrifice anything for her kids.

Diane will hurt everyone in the room, Phyllis knows – I’m the only one who sees you for who you are! Collapsing in Daniel and Danny’s arms, Phyllis is accused (by Diane and Gina) of faking it.

All crowd around the unconscious Phyllis as 911 is called.

Away from the ruckus, Nate could dance with Elena all night.

Meanwhile, Amanda’s surprised to hear that Devon dropped his lawsuit. She softens her tone further when Devon tells her about the jazz lounge being named after Neil – that must mean a lot to him. She’s pleased to hear that he and made amends with Lily (though isn’t sure he’ll work with her again)

Devon regrets hurting people he cares about (ie. Amanda and Lily) but hopes to be a better man. Amanda clearly isn’t impressed that he had to break her heart on his journey to self awareness. Devon doesn’t expect forgiveness but still, he’s sorry. Lily stops by – happy to see them talking.

Vikki runs in to fetch Nate to attend to Phyllis! She gets two doctors for the price of one when Elena follows. Amanda, Lily and Devon are close behind.