Wednesday, May 31st, 2023

Hurtling into Sally’s suite with fabric swatches in hand, Chloe babbles about work for a few minutes before noticing that something’s wrong with her.

Appreciating that Nick’s ‘beefed up security’, Sharon now believes it was blood on the champagne bottle – and that Cameron’s already here.

In the park, Faith apologizes for running into Cameron while busy texting. Are you Faith Newman? Small world – I’m an old friend of your parents, he claims.

Tucker’s late meeting Ashley at Society because they had a little jam session after Dom’s class. Spotting Diane, Ashley’s furious that she’s out of the house and pulls out her phone to call the police.

Hearing about Sally’s ‘episode’ and that she’s at risk for preeclampsia, Chloe has no problem ‘taking the lead’ with CW. Just take care of yourself. I’m terrified, Sally’s in tears.

‘CK’ asks Faith how her parents are then hands her a piece of paper – can you direct me to this address?

Tucker suggests they talk to Diane before calling the cops. Go ahead, call them, Diane gloats. Don’t even think about it, Jack appears at Diane’s side to warn Ashley.

Jack announces that the charges have been dropped – Diane’s a free woman. Phyllis is alive, Ashley and Tucker are shocked to hear.

Not wanting to worry Faith, Sharon and Nick stop talking about Cameron when she comes home to say that she ran into an old friend of theirs. CK – nice guy.

Referencing some problems when she was pregnant with Delia, Chloe knows what Sally’s going through. Grab onto your inner super hero. Sally appreciates her friends’ support. Adam took her to the doctor because Nick didn’t return her call. When there’s a knock at the door, Chloe assumes it’s Nick. It’s not.

Adam’s brought healthy snacks and water – he sees that Sally’s in good hands. Chloe has work covered. Needing to get to a meeting, she can’t believe she’s saying this, but she’s glad Adam came.