Monday, August 14th, 2023

Hearing that Adam forced Audra into pushing the merger, Victor’s silent while Nikki wonders how Nate fits into all this.

Over drinks at the club, Nate plays dumb but Vikki’s not naive – what are you and Audra up to?

Victor calls Adam – get to the ranch, now ~click~ He yanks open the door to find Sally there. Bad time?

The wedding guests watch on as Ashley looks up from the paper she’s holding. No strings attached? Jack seems confused – he’s giving her everything she wanted – her patents and a buy out from Jabot. You’re going into business with Tucker. Have your plans changed? If so, why?

Abby’s attempt to diffuse the situation with appetizers doesn’t fly. Ashley doesn’t appreciate Jack’s ‘generous gesture’. Tucker steps in to accept the gift. He just wants this Jabot crap over with – so they can start their honeymoon. Diane catches Kyle before he reaches the door. Please stay, she believes this affair with Audra’s meaningless – you’ll regret this. Not tonight, Kyle leaves.

Nate admits to having a brief conversation with Audra – the merger makes sense. Why would Audra push for it? Vikki asks – she’d lose her job. She hopes Nate’s not playing games with her.

Gift in hand, Sally compliments Adam on his new place. Yes, she heard from Nick – he’s flying back tomorrow morning. Adam’s heading to the ranch – I’ve been summoned by ‘his majesty’. No, there’s no need for Sally to come. Stay – order dinner. He has something to discuss when he gets back.

Apologizing profusely for waiting so long before coming to Victor for advice, Audra doesn’t want Nate to be blamed. Victor and Nikki remain suspicious.

Nate fesses up that Adam’s blackmailing Audra into making the merger happen. The goal was to protect Newman (from the scandal) When you said no, I dropped it, he adds. Classic Adam, Vikki has more questions.

Audra tells the Newmans about the popular singer who had sex with underage girls – and how McCall’s PR sat on it until his profitable tour ended. Adam found some emails she was supposed to have deleted. Also sorry that she broached the merger with Nikki, Audra vows that it’ll never happen again. When Adam arrives, Victor snarls – did you think you’d get away with it??

Ashley apologizes to everyone and thanks Jack and Diane for coming. When Jack and Billy get into an argument, Tucker snaps – he’ll be damned if he lets them ruin his evening. Let’s go. No, Ashley’s not going anywhere.

When Devon intercedes and Traci reminds her siblings of their truce, Jack and Diane leave Ashley to ask Billy if his brother’s words hurt him. Claiming that he has thick skin, Billy (and Chelsea) leave the newlyweds to have cake with Devon, Abby and Traci.

Knowing what ‘this’ is about, Adam’s disappointed to learn that Audra’s a coward. Enough, Victor barks. Audra was just looking for a solution.
Snooping through Adam’s boxes to pass the time, Sally sighs when she comes across some photos of them together.