Thursday, August 18th, 2023

Sally again rejects Adam’s job offer and doesn’t feel he ‘deserves’ Newman Media. Unlike me, you have a company to run that can be successful – focus on that.

Chelsea gets a call from her Mom – he did what? If he calls you back … She tells Billy that Connor called Anita to ask if he can move in her for a while. He wants to get away fro GC and me too.

This post-nup is important to Diane. Jack may not need it but she does. He then signs it and takes a photo to send to Ashley.

Hating that his father did this to Sally, Adam wants to help. No need – when one door closes another one smacks you in the ass, Sally reports that CW has a new design firm (which Victor recommended) Adam believes his Dad wanted to show him his place.

Tucker’s been too busy planning a wedding to think about this mess from the past. Yes, he did it all to protect Ashley. She looks at her phone before handing it to Tucker. Excellent, he chuckles.

Jack toasts his beautiful wife. Diane toasts to Abbott family unity. What more could Ashley want? She’s married to Tucker and starting a new company with him.

Tucker hasn’t found a loophole in the post-nup. Maybe Jack found himself an escape clause. Ashley wonders why Jack changed his mind ‘now’?

Chelsea runs down in a panic. Connor’s gone – so is his backpack and some of his clothes.

In the park, Sally says hello to Connor – it’s been a while.

Adam arrives on the patio as Chelsea ends a call to worry something’s happened to Connor. Nothing yet, Chance joins them to report.

Connor’s sorry about the baby. Sally is too. Yes, she’s OK – it’s been sad but it gets better every day. Where are you off to? A friend’s house, no big deal. Sending him off to buy a water, Sally calls Adam – did you give Connor permission to go to a friend’s house alone?

Tucker wants to take Ashley anywhere besides the Abbott house – we should have our own place ~kiss~

Jack leaves a message for Billy – Ashley’s laying low, this could be the calm before the storm. Diane just wants to enjoy their morning ~kiss~

Adam tells Chelsea that Connor’s with Sally – let’s give him some time. Agreeing with Adam, Billy gives Chelsea a reassuring hug.

Sally asks Connor to hang out with her a bit longer so she can encourage him to talk to his parents etc. I called your Dad, he and your Mom are waiting at CL’s – can I walk you back there?

At the house, Tucker and Ashley ask Jack to forward their mail to the GCAC. Correcting the assumption that he asked for the post-nup, Jack leaves with Diane. Ashley’s not buying it. Tucker is.

Sally, Billy and Chance stand by as Connor tells his parents that he wants to leave GC – please don’t make me stay. Chelsea and Adam look heartbroken.

Next Week: Your questions aren’t about me, they’re about Audra, Kyle knows Vikki’s testing him … Ester tells Sharon that she’ll have her hands full between CL’s and her new company. That’s why Sharon invited her over today… Heather didn’t share her plans with Daniel because she didn’t know how he’d feel about her staying in GC. That’s fantastic, he reaches across the table to cover her hand. Lily arrives at the club to watch them.