Friday, August 18th, 2023

Billy and Adam dissuade Chelsea from going upstairs to check on Connor – what are we going to do? We’ll figure it out, Billy reassures. WE will figure it out, Adam puts Billy in his place.

Chance has summoned Sharon to the park to share good news. Things could be changing for me in a big way.

Lily’s full, sleepy and late for a meeting with her department heads. Daniel might go up for a nap – his meeting isn’t til later. Coming through the revolving door, Heather has a visceral reaction to seeing them kiss.

After Lily leaves, Heather pretends she doesn’t see Daniel. He jumps up to say he’s been leaving her messages. She’s sorry – she’s been busy with work. Are you OK? he observes that she’s being ‘weird’. I’ve been avoiding you, she admits.

Sharon is thrilled to hear that Paul recommended Chance to replace him as Chief of Police. Is this something you want? Chance hesitates.

Reprimanded by Chelsea, Adam apologizes to Billy (who remains mostly silent as Connor’s parents bicker about what to do with their son)

When Billy interrupts to defend Chelsea, Adam quips – are you still here? You’re not listening to Connor, she persists. Stop it, Connor appears to whelp.

Listing reasons why being a cop in GC is challenging, Chance enjoys it but feels the job fell in his lap; he didn’t choose it. Do you see me as chief of police? he asks Sharon.

Heather wanted to give Daniel time to heal with his Mom. He gets the feeling there’s more to it. I’m not the same person who broke your and Lucy’s hearts.

Heather’s proud of Daniel – you’ve come a long way and she’s pleased that he and Lucy have reconnected but doesn’t want to confuse her by falling back into old patterns. How would he feel about her sticking around GC for a bit? Fantastic, he takes her hand across the table. Lily returns on cue.

Sharon thinks Chance would be a good chief of police and it’d be less dangerous. You’d look ‘killer’ in a suit, like James Bond ~kiss~