Monday, October 2nd, 2023

Home from work early, Diane talks to Kyle about his job prospects – he doesn’t want his old job back just because his Mom badgered his Dad into it.

At Jabot, Billy updates Jack that he threatened to use the dirt on Tucker if he didn’t back off. He played it cool but he’s panicking.

Audra’s about to leave Society with Nikki when Tucker shows up needing to talk to her. As disdain radiates from Nikki, Audra gives her old boss the cold shoulder and leaves him to text Adam – you’ll regret this.

Adam’s in his Dad’s office to imply that he can be trusted, Vikki can’t.

In the park, Nick is NOT taking the news of Adam kissing Sally well. I’ll rip his head off!

Sally didn’t mean to blurt it out like that. It wasn’t a big deal, she explains the friendly, innocent dinner (and drinks) Adam instantly regretted it. Nick highly doubts that – and correctly guesses that he told Sally he still loved/wanted to be with her.

I run this damn place, Victor assures Adam that he’ll take care of anyone who’s disloyal to him or NE.

In the club’s dining room, Vikki’s relieved to hear that Dad doesn’t trust Adam either. Nate adds that her Dad’s suspicious of her sudden acceptance too. ARE you really OK with Victor’s plans????

Your Dad wants you back at Jabot, Diane’s sure Billy will be out soon. Kyle worries about the damage Uncle Billy could cause Jabot the same way Aunt Ashley worries about you.

Jack tells Billy that he gave Phyllis a good talking to – she wants redemption. Hopefully, the talk with Tucker worked – if not, Phyllis may be the weapon we need.

Tucker flashes back to the troublesome email-cover up – a confrontation with Audra, Kyle, then Adam, then Billy warning him to back off. Joining him at the bar, Adam wonders what Tucker has that Billy wants so badly.

You’ve made me your enemy. Tucker vows to show Adam what a monumental mistake that is.

Nate won’t trust Adam with anything that could hurt Newman. He claims to prove he can be trusted. Vikki still believes her Dad wants to pull Nate to his side. He’s on her side, always. Is Victor’s concern valid? Yes, Vikki’s accepted her Dad’s decision 100%.