Thursday, October 19th, 2023

It’s cruel to make your children think you’re ill, Nikki clucks. No more cruel than one of them betraying me, Victor will let it ‘play out’. As Nikki leaves to think about it, Victor takes a video call from Jill – who demands details on the woman who’s ‘infiltrated’ her company.

Victor smirks into his phone as Jill fumes – she’s beginning to think he wouldn’t give her any info on Maime, even if he had any.

Delighted to run into Lily at CL’s, Maime doesn’t care that Jill’s unsettled – she only cares what Devon and Lily think. Of course Lily can speak ‘plainly’.

Devon persists – what happened in Paris? Yes, he WOULD give up his dreams if Abby asked him to – there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for the woman I love. Tucker has some thinking to do.

The ends justify the means, Victor thinks once one of his kids betray him, the others will understand his motivation. What of Nate shares his suspicions with Vikki? Victor’s sure one of them will make a move soon.

Lily believes Maime wants to bring the family together (and get under Jill’s skin) This is about family, which includes Nate. He’s deeply remorseful. What will it take to give him another chance?

Running into one another at the club, Nate extends the conversation to ask what Devon thinks of Maime’s return. Both want to make her feel welcome. Nate then gives his cousin a heads-up. Maime wants me back in the family company. Then it’s up to you to dissuade her of it, Devon leaves.

In his suite, Tucker sends Ashley a text – is there any way back from this. The reply comes back almost instantly – no. Furious, Tucker has a drink then hurls the glass. It shatters against the door.

Next Week: Dad’s as sharp and cunning as ever, Nick horrifies Sharon with the news that they’ve all been played… How was the trip? Danny asks Chris. Not good, she tears up. Hey Diane, Ashley says casually. Diane’s stunned to find her sister in law in the living room.

My Thoughts: As a former doctor, a surgeon even, it’s a ridiculous stretch to believe that Nate’s perplexed by Victor being lucid sometimes, confused other times. That’s dementia/Alzheimer’s 101…And how idiotic that Victor equates the ‘cruelty’ of making his kids think he’s sick with the ‘possibility’ that ONE of them ‘may’ betray him… What an insult to anyone dealing with age-related mental issues… Sure Devon, take up a table at the club and don’t order anything to eat or drink. Maybe you can ask for an extra cup to share Tucker’s tea. Does he still own the club? Why isn’t Lily annoyed that everyone patronizes the GCAC instead of The Grand Phoenix – the hotel no one (including Lily) has stepped foot in since she bought the place. Why wasn’t a jazz lounge dedicated to Neil located there? Noah’s Glam Club was forgotten as quickly as Phyllis’s Escape Club (AKA The Housewives of Genoa City) … It’s weird that Jill ALWAYS makes video calls and it’s weird that people as wealthy as Devon, Lily and Victor squint into a phone or huddle over a laptop instead of casting the call to a big-ass TV screen. Also weird that Victor’s going to such lengths to entrap one of his kids into betraying him yet never, ever mentions Abby? Has he forgotten about her? (yes, that was a dementia joke and I’m probably going to hell for it) I hope it’s Abby who makes the move.