At CL’s, Chris has a brief chat with the Baldwins.
Phyllis asks Daniel to excuse them so she can have a private chat with Danny.
At the house, Diane and Kyle enjoy reading articles about Tucker’s scandal. She worries their plan won’t stop him for good.
Tucker’s at CW to let Devon know he’s not proud of his team’s cover up. Devon’s not proud of anything Tucker’s done lately.
In her suite, a nervous Audra watches a gossip segment online that implies others were complicit in the McCall cover up.
Kyle gives his Mom his word that they’ll take Tucker down – hard.
The more Devon learns about the cover up, the more he regrets letting Tucker see Dom on Christmas Day. You can’t be trusted!
Back at CL’s, the Baldwins are happy to hear that Danny liked Chris’ gift. Daniel joins them to say that his Mom’s having a private chat with Danny. Should we be worried? Mike sounds like he already is.
Danny’s brought Phyllis to the privacy of Daniel’s condo to ask what’s on her mind. She all but forces her tongue down his throat.
Mike and Lauren can’t help but worry what Phyllis wants to talk to Danny about. Feeling a bit of a traitor for saying so, Daniel believes his Mom’s competing with Chris for his Dad’s affections. She’s probably making a move on him as we speak, Chris correctly guesses.
Danny’s pleased to be on friendly terms with Phyllis but we can’t erase our rough history. Don’t you want it to be better? she asks. Danny can see that she’s changed. That’s because you and your music inspires me, Phyllis also likes the way he looks at her.
When Kyle barges into her suite, Audra worries that her role in the cover up will be exposed. My Dad’s not looping me in – that’s why Kyle’s all in with her and Tucker. Just leave – Audra knows when she’s being used. We’re using each other, Kyle corrects.
You lie constantly, Devon doesn’t believe Tucker’s changed. You’re misinterpreting my actions, Tucker fails to convince him.