Thursday, February 15th, 2024

Devon and Nate have barely entered the office when Billy bustles in to ‘steal’ Devon for a minute. He has an exciting proposal to get off the ground asap. Devon insists Nate stay and the cousins exchange a look.

Hearing voices in her head, Ashley calls out for Traci – then Diane. Hello? her eyes focus in on the decanter of booze.

Their lunch finished, Jack and Nikki talk about ‘the program’. Is this your job now? Victor appears to scowl at Jack. He’s here to ease my anxiety, Nikki updates Victor on Jordan’s call (then gives Jack a worried look when he looks at her phone with the intent of calling Jordan back)

You look like a man who could use another drink, Jordan smiles down at Seth (at The Empty Glass)

Seth prefers to drink alone. We have a friend in common, Jordan’s undeterred – Nikki Newman.

Nikki tells Victor that she instigated the interaction with Jordan. And, Jack didn’t encourage her, Lauren did. If Jack hadn’t dropped everything to come over, she’d be drinking right now. ‘Always a pleasure’, Jack leaves Victor to bark at Nikki for calling Jack instead of him. He then all but grants reluctant permission for Jack to be Nikki’s sponsor.

Devon’s unimpressed when Billy makes it sound like Jill, as half owner, wants her name (Abbott) added to Chancellor Winters.

Devon points out that Chancellor has always been Chancellor and that he dropped Hamilton from Hamilton Winters when they merged. Billy doesn’t want to drop a name, he wants to add a name to make it ‘ACW’. Abbott gets ‘top billing’, Devon wonders why the name is only an issue now that Billy’s here.

Home for a file, Jack’s sorry to have startled Ashley. Don’t shut me out, he wants to help and is devastated when a trembling Ashley confesses that she’s barely hanging on right now.

I really let Jordan have it – challenged her to come to the ranch, Nikki reports – we have to stop that psychopath. Victor has it under control. Refusing to provide details, he gruffly suggests Nikki focus on getting better.

Seth thanks ‘Isabelle’ for the beer – how do you know Nikki? We used to charm all the bartenders and close down clubs together. Our friendship got deeper when we got sober – we were each others’ rock. Though Nikki cut her off when she stumbled, Isabelle doesn’t blame her – how could anyone hate Nikki Newman?