Thursday, February 18th

Before they go in to see Noah, Nick has news for Sharon – Billy remembered that it was Noah, but he’s not telling the police. We need to be prepared. OK, whatever it takes, Sharon agrees. Both then go in to see Noah awaken – poor baby. I’m in trouble, Noak whispers. It’s not a good time Vic, Nick snaps. Invited to speak up (by Noah) Vikki says it’s time for Noah to own up to what you did to Billy.

Billy’s glad to run into Chelsea at CL’s. She desperately tries to escape (too busy) He can tell she has something she wants to tell him. But Adam cut you off. He knows it was Noah who ran him over. But you already knew that didn’t you?

Marisa lurks outside Noah’s room then denies covering for Noah (as he didn’t do anything) How do you explain this then? Dylan’s phone has surveillance video of Marisa getting rid of a set of tires at the landfill the day after Billy’s accident.

Adam enters Victor’s office to rant n rave about Victor turning Noah in. You’re going to punish him by keeping him out of the loop. Make him claw his way back into your good graces (like you did me)? Yeah well, Victor’s the one sitting in this chair – he’s the one who calls the shots.


Next: Noah’s innocent. I hit Billy, Marisa tells Dylan …. Kevin questions Natalie – are you sabotaging your own program? …. Noah has been arrested and he’s in the hospital! Nikki’s in a dither in Victor’s office. Victor’s the one who put him there, Adam tattles.

My Thoughts: Oh Sharon. Noah!? Covering up an accident? I can’t begin to understand this. Wellllll, it’s genetics. Noah’s genetically predisposed to committing and covering up crimes (such as your arson and stealing and that whole Sandy Allen cover up you might remember. Noah’s Grandma and Uncle Adam have both covered up hit and runs. The list just goes on and on. The real question is – why has it taken Noah so long to evolve?) Sharon’s ‘every instinct’?? She doesn’t have ANY instincts; certainly not maternal instincts …. Then Sharon asks this gem of a question of Marisa. “And what were you doing in the Islands”? Well, we were having sex, lots and lots of hot, steamy sex … Wouldn’t Noah have had a full examination when he was admitted to GCM? His internal bleeding should have been detected (not come on suddenly like appendicitis or labour contractions) … According to Victor, Noah needs to learn and Marisa needs to suffer? Maybe Noah needs to suffer and Marisa needs to learn a lesson … So there’s no surveillance cameras at Newman Towers but there is at the tire recycling depot? … How do Nick and Sharon remember their anniversary every year? Most husbands can’t remember their current anniversary, never mind one of many previous anniversaries to women they divorced.