Friday, September 22nd

No, Jack hasn’t found Vikki’s spy yet. Phyllis then asks if he’s dating Nikki just to piss off Victor. When Nikki appears, Phyllis leaves her to try and update him. But first, Jack needs to check his email – from Victor??? Someone’s stalking us? How did he even know we were at the cabin? Vikki? No, someone else saw us, Nikki hesitates. Who was it? Jack persists.

That’s my computer, not Jabot’s – but go ahead – you won’t find anything, Graham’s confident. Ashley agrees – my Mother brings hers home every night. She then wonders why Graham’s bringing up her Father – you’d never be capable of understanding a fine man like him. You have no idea what I’m capable of, Graham replies.

It’s only a matter of time before we track down who’s responsible, Ravi tells Lauren – then blabs to Phyllis that someone downloaded files only Ashley and Jack had access to. He then frowns at his monitor – I’ll need to check all employee computers (starting with Phyllis since she’s here) You don’t suspect me, do you? Phyllis couldn’t be more surprised.

Discussing how to beat Jabot, Billy finally notices Victor’s been standing in the doorway and says ‘we don’t need your help’. Vikki might when you’re in prison, Victor’s heard enough to know Billy did something illegal. He won’t allow Jack to come after BnS. Give me the word and I’ll make sure he doesn’t do it again. Surprisingly, Victor’s offer seems to interest Billy.

Given the nature of this security breach, Ravi needs to check everyone’s computers. As Lauren and Phyllis put their laptops on Ravi’s desk, Phyllis comments that whoever did this should be fired.

Ravi’s doing a thorough search – whoever did this will be caught, Ashley warns. Sure he’ll be proven innocent, Graham sends Ashley out to look confused and troubled in the hallway.

Close the door behind you, Jack orders his Mother as he slams his laptop on the desk to show Dina a large photo of him and Nikki kissing. This is your doing, isn’t it?!

Next: It’s not Devon, it’s me. I’m attracted to someone else, Mariah confesses to Kevin … I do know whose password unlocked the gate, Ravi tells Ashley – your Mothers … Dina raises her voice – I take full responsibility but you Jack are solely to blame for this tawdry mess.

My Thoughts: This is driving me bananas, no B-A-N-A-N-A-S. Why wouldn’t Dina have her laptop in a case? Lauren and Phyllis slammed their laptops on Ravi’s desk like they were playing a card game; War or Snap. How do they not get scratched? Why on earth would Lauren have a Jabot issued laptop or access to Jabot’s servers? Shouldn’t Ravi be compiling a list and sending out a memo with some made-up excuse as to why he needs everyone’s computer? Otherwise, why wouldn’t the guilty party just lose their laptop – or drop it and run over it? Why let Phyllis know she’s even a suspect? Does Jack even know that all of HIS employees are being asked to hand in their laptops? It seems like Ravi’s overstepping his role a bit by issuing orders. I mean, based on his office, he’s not very high on the food chain … … Why does Ashley need Ravi to check online for Graham’s ‘scholastic achievements’? She can’t use Google? … No wonder BnS is failing if all Billy and Vikki can come up with is marketing their facial mask to teens and women who live in polluted cities. Huh. What a sad state of affairs – my spellcheck wants me to replace ‘mail’ with ’email’. I guess snail-mail is not such a thing anymore. Victor doesn’t even seem to know what a return address label is. How could he miss the large white label in the top left corner of a yellow envelope? … Have a great weekend dear readers!