Friday, September 29th

Can we go? the twins are clearly done with this family meeting. Lily and Cane utter some ‘we’re here for you’ sentiments. And with hugs and ‘I love you’s, the twins mope off to their rooms. Lily declares that even harder than she imagined. She knows Cane’s a wonderful Father and wants that to continue. He’s touched that Lily doesn’t blame him in front of the twins. I’ll always love you, he sighs and slowly plods out the door as if it’s for the last time. Lily quietly weeps alone briefly before a supportive Mattie joins her to say it will be OK.

Hacking passwords is trial and error, Kevin defends his slowness to Victor – he can’t do anything until he gets in. Then get in! an exasperated Victor barks. Hey, look at that – I’m better than I thought, Kevin beams at his laptop, suddenly mighty pleased with himself.

Nick thanks Chelsea for her honesty (even when they disagree) She’s not sure Noah will be as grateful. Noah wonders if St Louis is off the table. Not at all, Nick will look for another location there. But when he goes to transfer some money from his account he notices a big ‘mistake’. I have zero funds. Where’s all my money???

Please – think of Cassie, Sharon, Mariah and Tessa work together to persuade Alice. You’re making a big mistake, Leon warns her. Beat it – now! Alice orders Leon to go (over Sharon’s objection) This is what Cassie would want, Alice believes – you have your sister back (Tessa and Crystal hug)

Don’t go, Zack pleads with Abby – this is everything I’ve ever worked for. He’ll learn to handle the pressure. Relax and enjoy your success, Abby tells him. When his phone rings, Zack steps aside saying this could be about solving the app’s glitches. Leon tells Zack that yes, he heard from Alice – we have a problem, a big problem.

Back at the cemetery, Tessa and Crystal share a weepy hug. As Sharon and Mariah watch on, Alice paces around as if deciding whether to stick around or make a run for it.

Next: Nick’s on the phone – you can stop trying to find who hacked into my account. I’ve figured out who it was (he spots Victor celebrating at the bar) … I’m here to help you. You can trust me, which makes it even more difficult to say, Paul tells Crystal (in Tessa’s arms at Sharon’s) … Cops kick in a door and walk into Alice’s house with guns drawn…

My Thoughts: These writers are so punny sometimes. Leon wonders whether whatever’s going on at the cemetery is one of Crystal’s tricks (get it? Tricks? Because she’s a hooker?) Let’s hope Sharon and the gang don’t forget about all those other girls involved in this sex ring … It’s probably a combination of wardrobe choice and lighting – but Mattie looks like a giant sitting next to her Mom. Lily just looked so frail and tiny … Abby is completely missing all the red flags surrounding Zack. Hopefully she catches on before ‘taking things to the next level’ with him… Oh yes Abby. I’m sure women will sign up with the app just as soon as they see the awesome Brash n Sassy ads. There’s nothing people like more on sites and apps than advertising. ‘There aren’t enough banners and pop-ups on this app/website’ said no one EVER. That said, please scroll up and disable your ad blocker on this site, or better yet whitelist it. Ad revenue is what keeps the lights on.