Friday, May 25th

Yes, Faith knows why Victor’s so happy that her Dad’s going back to work at NE (and recites the whole ‘grandpa built his company from the ground up for his kids and grandkids) Giving thanks to the brave men and women who sacrificed for them, Victor segues in to how smart and strong Christian is, like his Father. As Nick takes Faith off for a swim, Kyle summons Victor for a chat. Mattie comes over to ask Vikki if she’s heard from JT (she video chats with Reed; he really misses his Dad) Vikki, Nikki and Sharon are left to whisper about their secret and how to move on.

Charlie’s brought Shawna to the HWG office to escape all the questions and share a kiss. Hand in hand, they go back for some food.

At the club’s bar, Kyle updates Victor that his Dad resigned; he wanted to start a company with me but I declined. Does Nick working at NE mean there’s no future for me there? Victor will continue to mentor Kyle but thinks it good he stays at Jabot – good luck with Billy, he strolls off.

As Tessa performs America the Beautiful, Kyle chats with Mariah (thanks to her ‘little songbird’, he’s under the impression that she’s interested in him) You’re the reason Tessa won’t go out with me. Mariah sets him straight – that’s because I have a crush on her, not YOU, she clarifies; adding that it was one-sided, Tessa’s not into me. Kyle disagrees after the look Tessa gives Mariah as she ends her song.

All done cooking and looking forward to making this an annual event, Hilary and Devon hope to have a baby next year.

Nikki and Vikki are stunned to hear Jack’s news – no, Victor didn’t tell them that he’s not John’s son. He has too much respect for John to ‘shout it from the rooftops’. Vikki’s sure it’s only a matter of time before Jack and Ashley are working side by side at Jabot again.

Nick finds Victor working on a press release on his phone – have a look. Nick’s surprised to read that he’ll be NE’s COO; that was Vikki’s position. Now it’s yours, Victor alarms Nick (who looks over at Vikki)