Wednesday, November 18th

Hilary tells Paul and Dylan that Dr Neville gave her the meds in the park – he said she’d die if she didn’t take them. He’s the only one she saw when she woke up. Where? In a hotel room. Hilary’s memories are jumbled. Why are Paul and Dylan treating her like she did something wrong!? Just stop! Paul gives his word that they’ll find who did this to her. Dylan says that if something doesn’t feel right, it’s probably not right – trust your instincts – let us help you.

When Jack continues to defend Adam, Victor asserts that he’d throw his ‘surrogate Father’ under the bus to save himself. Yeah sure – how will you punish Adam this time? Jack scoffs. Victor doesn’t give a damn about Adam – he wants Ian Ward. Phyllis can help – she’s tight with him.

No physical contact! the guard snaps as Chelsea runs to hug Adam. Mike’s also in the visiting room (and quickly determines that Adam’s been attacked) Just leave it alone, Adam insists.

Joe explains that Abby was slowing down the rescue with a tantrum about saving her boyfriend, so he got on the chopper to keep things moving. Cane wonders how he was left in a storage room to die. He knows Joe’s trying to get his wife in bed again. Of course Lily’s standing there looking shocked.

Neil’s grateful Hilary covered for him, but ashamed he put her in that position. Hilary worries – they’ll know I was lying when they find Neville. No – we’ll find him. And don’t take any more of those pills. But they’re working, Hilary thinks Gwen was right. Dylan told her not to trust anyone, so she only trusts Neil. You can always trust me, he assures. Peeking through the window, Gwen’s not happy. Paul’s off to pull surveillance footage from the park – we’ll get this guy. Dylan updates Gwen and Devon – Hilary was dosed again (by Neville she claims) That’s impossible, Devon squawks.

Adam tells Chelsea and Mike that Victor had ammunition against Moxley (but won’t use it now because he thinks I lied – or helped Ian escape) DID you help Ian? Mike wonders.

Phyllis explains that she met Fred in the forest (no one told her he was a cult freak who tried to brainwash her daughter) Victor thinks he’s the only one looking for a solution – he’s got everyone looking for Ian (and whomever’s behind the virus) Sure it’s Ian, Phyllis offers herself as bait.

We have to find him – I’m our best bet, Phyllis reassures Jack (who’s surprised when Billy goes along with it) When Jack wants to have a private chat with Victor, Phyllis marches out. She’s the only one in your family with guts, Victor comments. Let’s use YOUR wife as bait, Jack suggests. Victor reminds that Nikki already put Ian in prison once. Let’s just find Ian Ward.

Adam retells his story – he left Ian trapped and unconscious. Chelsea wonders if they can find Ian, get him to confess he was working alone. No, Mike knows he’d have Adam charged with attempted murder (for leaving him in the fire) It’ll blow up in our faces. After Mike steps out, Chelsea claims that Victor wants to believe in Adam.

Lily updates Cane – if we can find Dr Neville, we can clear your name. No, she doesn’t believe he tried to extort a million dollars from her brother. Your wife is trying to reach out to you, Joe interjects. Really, and what is it like when she reaches out to you? Cane reminds Lily that she cheated with this ‘thing’. Lily’s tired of apologizing. Cane gripes that he was left to die – and who do you think did that? Lily doesn’t like the person Cane’s become – I can’t be here. No, Joe won’t follow Lily – he has advice for Cane …..

Devon claims Hilary didn’t go to the park – he followed her to the boathouse. After that, she was upstairs the whole time, with Neil – then Dylan (who was with her when she collapsed) But Hilary wouldn’t lie about that, Gwen claims. If she did, Dylan wonders why (then asks Neil to take Hilary back to the suite to try get info) Gwen’s not happy that Neil has to go back to holding Hilary’s hand 24/7. Neil gives his word it’ll be over soon. Still in her hospital bed, Hilary flashes back to being in bed with Devon (and looks horrified)

In the hallway, Phyllis worries Jack knows what they’re up to. No, he suspects me if anyone – and he wouldn’t tattle to Victor anyway. Yes, Phyllis is still onboard with the plan – this is about payback. Victor comes out to send Phyllis in. We’re all on the same side against Adam, Billy tells Victor (who won’t say he was right all along – but one punk recognizes another)

Adam committed a crime – this is how the system works. One thing he did right is give Connor the best Mother. He asks Chelsea not to come back here. I don’t want you to see me like this. Stay away.

Back at the club, Joe tells Cane to stop dwelling – cop a plea – do some time – end this misery for your wife and kids, Burn. In. Hell! Cane bites off each word, then walks away.

Now at the club, Gwen whines to Devon – they’re up there – you and I are down here. Maybe no one hired this doctor. Hilary needs to snap out of it now and remember she loves you, not Neil.

Upstairs, Hilary now remembers – what she and Devon did to Neil was so wrong. She’s no longer that woman. She only feels shame and disgust when she thinks of Devon. When she thinks of love, it’s all Neil.

Jack thinks whatever Billy’s planning is a mistake. He’s out for blood and pulled Phyllis into it. He understands why she wants vengeance on Victor, but won’t let his wife and brother walk into Victor’s cross hairs. Tell me the plan so I can do damage control. In the hallway, Billy listens in (seems someone conveniently put the speakerphone on)