Wednesday, March 9th

Summer’s so relieved her Grandpa’s going to be OK. Nikki and Abby are there to tell Victor in person that he’s been voted out. Victor doesn’t blame Abby – he blames Nikki and Vikki. Asking for a minute alone with Victor, Nikki has one thing to say – I do love you. Spare me, get out, Victor doesn’t want to hear it.

Max occupied with his green goo, Simon notes Ashley’s organic affection for the boy. Is that because Ben Rayburn’s his Dad? I’m over him, Ashley insists – as Max pokes his head in the office.

At GCM, Ben updates Abby that her Father baited him. He remembered the Hippocratic oath and he’s got a new doctor. Abby doesn’t blame Ben – she’s sorry. No need – Ben knows it’s hard for her too. Max? He’s with Ashley at Jabot. Ben then wants Abby to be honest on how she feels about Max and his effect on their marriage.

When Nick joins Sage and Shawn, he addresses the intense conversation she saw earlier. Sage is right – we’re in this together and will be devoted to this baby. He means a lot to us. Shawn admits she’s emotional. Us too, Nick says. Are we good? Sage asks. Yeah, we’re good, Shawn smiles.

Chelsea couldn’t be happier that Adam’s not getting sucked back into Newman. It’ll never happen again, he promises ~kiss~

No, Vikki’s not at GCM to gloat. She’s there for an honest conversation. Don’t get too comfy behind my desk – when I get out of here, I’ll reclaim my position and you’ll be out of NE and never come back, Victor snarls.


Next: OMG! Chelsea leaps into Adam’s arms. This is it, he says – no more Newman. No more Victor. We don’t have to worry about it…. Billy shows up at Vikki’s office – How about a little green beer to celebrate? Because green champagne is disgusting …. After what he did to you, I’ll get him convicted, Mike promises Phyllis.

My Thoughts: How could Ashley and Simon NOT see Max creeping up to the door? The whole damn office is glass! And aren’t you supposed to be watching him? He’s playing with a huge fluorescent green glob that might be radioactive in a lab full of glass beakers and chemicals … How long does it take to get service over to Sage’s and Shawn’s table? It’s like the club has no wait staff at all … Why on earth does Vikki think herself Superwoman? She has a Nanny to help her raise her kids, underlings to do whatever it is she does at NE, and a wedding planner working on a wedding that’s been called off. There’s just nothing ‘super’ about Vikki (unless it’s her being superficial) …. What happened to Lauren’s seat on the Newman board?