Tuesday, August 30th

Outside of the station (a new set) Dylan tells Sharon that he has a lead that might take him to Adam. But Nick’s willing to let Victor off the hook in exchange for Adam’s freedom. And Nikki might be involved. But, he doesn’t want to disappoint Paul either. What to do.

From the doorway, Chelsea smiles over Adam and Connor as it quickly becomes apparent that he knows nothing about fishing. Tossing the rod away, Adam puts Connor on his lap for a pep talk. We’re the super team.

Neil isn’t happy that his Mother’s sick – but basically doesn’t care. If she’s alone, it’s her own fault. Sending Devon after Neil, Lily tells Cane that she might have made things worse.

Kevin defends Chloe against Mariah – he’s proud of her and ‘protective’. You don’t say, Mariah’s sarcastic. Kevin then points out that Adam disappearing might enable Chloe to live a happy life in GC (without having to see the man who killed her daughter)

Dylan also feels bad about his role in putting Adam away for a crime he didn’t commit. He understands why he ran – he couldn’t leave his family either. But – Dylan can’t look the other way (and let Victor get away with it) Sharon thinks Nick’s right – let them go.

Joining Neil on the rooftop, Devon tries to persuade him to ease up on Lucinda. There’s two sides to every story. If she did abandon you, forgive her (like you did me)

Dylan sees Nick’s point – but this is MY career. Adam deserves a life with his family – but withholding this is a felony. Dylan could go to jail – is that what we want? He’s not willing to risk it. Still not sure what he’ll do, Dylan heads back inside to work.

With Chelsea on the porch, Adam talks about how lucky he is. Snuggling in, Chelsea looks forward to paradise (which is anywhere Adam is) Neither have ever felt so peaceful. Going to check on Connor, Chelsea brings him out – he has a fever. It’ll be fine – kids get fevers all the time.

After Ester drops Bella off, Chloe gushes over her – the penthouse feels so empty without Chelsea and Connor. Kevin invites them to stay at his place. Taking Bella, he pitches how much fun it’ll be. Chloe politely declines – I don’t deserve you, the way you defended me to Mariah. They both take Bella up to bed.

Hello? Hello? Sharon hangs up the home phone. Mariah relays her chat with Kevin – he says that Chloe’s life will be easier if Adam’s gone. Sharon agrees that Dylan should consider letting them go. He’ll do the right thing – he always does.

Dylan rejoins Paul (who’s received a lot of calls, all dead ends) Dylan admits he might have something.

Connor can’t fly with an ear infection, Adam points out. Chelsea wonders what they’ll do if they can’t get on the plane. The only thing we can do, Adam replies.