Friday, November 25th

No, Travis hasn’t told Vikki that he’s quitting. He has no worries about supporting his family – and no, he won’t live off Vikki’s wealth. Have you signed a prenup? Victor asks. Nick arrives. No, he’s not interrupting – your future brother in law was just leaving. Yes, Nick will be Travis’ best man. Good, we’re all on the same page, Travis gives Victor a look and exits. That leaves Victor to hope Nick won’t succumb to Dylan’s threats.

Mike’s at the McAvoy’s to discuss suing for visitation when Sharon gets a call from Chloe (come to the penthouse asap) Now alone with Dylan, Mike tells him his chances of winning visitation increase without his wife.

Jill’s not leaving until she get answers. IF Billy had anything on Travis, he wouldn’t tell Vikki. Hit the detonator, Jill encourages. When Travis arrives, Billy congratulates him – while Jill questions why Vikki took her time accepting the proposal. Travis thanks Billy – he should have told Vikki about his ex right away. Jill’s most interested to hear Travis’ ex is in town – and that he just quit his job at NE.

Vikki’s relieved when Chelsea finds the ring she’ll have resized later. Is this all happening too fast? Chelsea wonders – and understands that Vikki wants this marriage to be her last. Dylan and Sharon thought they had it all. Nick had it all and lost it. Your brother deserves to be happy.

Mike tells Dylan that he’ll have a better case for visitation if Sharon’s not involved (she kept the truth from Nick and you)

In Victor’s office (with him and Nick) Leslie thinks the case complicated – Sharon should be suing Fairview. Victor thinks it IS cut and dry – Sharon should not have access to my grandson.

Back and forth it goes – Dylan tells Mike that he only cares about Christian. But Sharon loves him as much as I do. Victor orders Leslie to fight Dylan and Sharon all the way. Nick agrees – he won’t share his son with anyone.

Sharon’s annoyed to have been summoned to the penthouse – until she sees that it’s ‘Sully’ in the playpen. Hi ‘Christian’, she coos. Given the OK by Chloe, Sharon picks him up.

Sharon can’t believe she’s holding Christian. Chloe knows Nick will have Victor and all his power on his side – Sharon might not get another chance to hold the boy. Sharon appreciates Chloe risking her friendship with Chelsea (and the wrath of Victor) They don’t know what it’s like to be an outcast – Chloe does. Sharon must find a way to make sure this isn’t the last time.

Back at the studio, Vikki’s overwhelmed with all the choices – but no, we can’t put this on hold. I can’t get married without a dress. Yes! I’m ready to marry Travis. OK – Vikki admits something is holding her back. Travis’ ex came to GC. He didn’t tell me. Vikki has to wonder when the other shoe’s gonna drop.

Cheers to cutting ties with Victor, Billy clinks Travis’ beer. Jill declines – this is an office, not a bar. It’s not a bedroom either but that didn’t stop you and Collin, Billy quips. Travis intends to prove himself to everyone – and with Cane off, he’d like to fill in at BnS. Jill will set something up. As Travis leaves, Billy reminds him that honesty is the most important thing to Vikki. Now alone, Billy assures Jill that Vikki will figure it out (she had a lot of practice with me)