Monday, January 29th

At Top of the Tower, Hilary sends off a losing bidder. Mariah wonders why they’re having a working lunch here. No, she doesn’t have a problem with Noah (who then comes over to wonder why she waved him over) No, I just waved, Mariah stammers. Hilary wonders how Mariah managed to alienate both Tessa AND Noah. She’s three for three – Tessa and I are over too, Noah saunters off.

Nick joins JT on the patio to apologize for playing overprotective brother. JT understands and thinks maybe fate’s at work. He thought he’d be with Colleen forever; be a musician. It took a long time to make peace with her death. Nick can relate (losing Sage) He got lucky and fell in love with Chelsea. Shaking hands, the guys agree ‘no hard feelings’ and Nick leaves to answer the call he’s been waiting for.

After a chat with her Father, Vikki pretends to be OK with Ashley. And Ashley’s sorry Victor put her in Vikki’s office (thinking she’d be out of town longer) I can work from home, she offers. No, two grown women can co-exist in the same space for one day, Vikki smiles – until she hears that Ashley’s making changes at BnS; which would have gone under if your Dad hadn’t bought it. Ashley plans to call a staff meeting – we need to elevate our game to beat Jabot. Vikki suddenly decides that working from home is an ‘innovative’ idea; one she’ll test out right now. Packing up, Vikki marches out.

Nick comes home with the bag of cash to update Chelsea that the money is clean and goes to Adam’s next of kin. You can do whatever you want with it. We’ll put it on the bank for the kid’s future, Chelsea decides.

Mariah goes to the bar to apologize to Noah. He’s sorry things didn’t work out between him and Tessa; she didn’t want me. Noah doesn’t think Tessa really loved him. If you still want her, she’s yours. Hilary appears to wonder what they’re talking about.

JT’s surprised when Vikki comes home early – what did Victor do now? He hired Ashley – to get this, oversee BnS – it’s a slap in the face. She had the gall to call a staff meeting. If Ashley’s not loyal to her brother why would she be loyal to Newman? JT sides with Vikki. Your Father’s a twisted guy. Vikki will talk to him again and this time make him listen. On cue, Victor rings the doorbell.

Go get ‘im’ JT encourages Vikki then leaves her to lecture her Father – how many times must she prove herself? Victor talks about sacrificing for the greater good – he’s grooming Vikki to one day be CEO. Make Ashley feel welcome. No, as COO, Vikki’s going to Paris to check in with Abby (unless Victor wants to challenge that) Give her a hug for me, Victor leaves.

Mariah’s now at CL’s to whine to Sharon that Hilary won’t go out of her way to save anyone’s jobs. When Tessa appears, Sharon disappears (much to Mariah’s chagrin) You got what you wanted – I lost everything, Tessa comments. Mariah didn’t get what she wanted – not even close. Tessa’s left to look sorry.