Thursday, March 22nd

Ordering Jack a car, Ashley tells him to go home and sleep it off. You’ve had too much to drink. This from the woman who’s suing me and working for the enemy! Jack tells the whole dining room. Don’t make a scene – stop wallowing in self-pity, Ashley snaps. Here it comes folks, here it comes – Dad would be ashamed of you, Jack blathers on. Victor will ruin you – he’ll ruin us! You sold yourself! As long as that man’s on this planet I have a battle to fight. Throwing money on the bar, Jack’s leaving before he creates a scene (too late) Where are you going?? Ashley asks. Where do you think!? Jack staggers out.

The camera rolling, Dina talks about her guilt over spending time with other men – I did terrible things, kept terrible secrets. I’ll take that to my grave. John doesn’t know everything. He can’t – not this, she tells Abby.

When Sharon comes home, she sees that Nick’s tidied up. After talking to Mariah, he realizes he’s an idiot – Sharon should have been at the housing meeting. You can come to the next one; be as involved as you want, he invites. Nick knows that Sharon’s changed – he needs to catch up. Sharon has her own issues – it was unfair to ask Nick to move out without reason. Nick does not and will not take Sharon for granted ~hug~ And now a ~kiss~

No, Dina doesn’t want to stop just yet. This secret has nothing to do with Ashley or Brent Davis but about an affair she kept secret. I needed more than John could ever give me. I’m talking about Jack – can’t you see that? Jack is the consequence. He’s not John’s son. Abby couldn’t be more stunned.

Ashley leaves a message for Victor – Jack could be headed your way. He’s angry and he’s drunk.

What are you still doing here? Victor asks JT. What can you do to me? JT’s cocky. Vikki won’t leave me. After that video you just saw, we got engaged. You lost, JT chides – get used to it. Vikki will always stand with her family, Victor warns – he’ll see to it that JT loses everything. The rest of your life will be spent in misery! You’re a loser! Victor and JT proceed in throwing each other around the office.

Nikki swipes her card and enters her suite at the club – ‘Arturo? I’m here’. She smiles at what she sees.

Vikki leaves a message for JT. Are you on your way home? I thought you’d be back with the champagne by now.

Victor and JT’s fight continues into the hallway. JT gets in some good shots then throws Victor down the staircase – where he lays motionless.

My Thought: JT has had an active day; a fight with Vikki – sex with Vikki – then a fight with Victor. Vikki is quickly morphing into the abused woman. It’s so easy to see from the outside. No way will Victor allow his daughter to continue a relationship with an abusive man. Of course, he has to pick himself up off the floor first … Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Jack is not John’s son. How delicious! Are any of John’s kids actually his? Maybe it’ll be a toss up between Traci and Billy. Jack’s whole identity is wrapped around being John Abbott’s son. But the big question is – who IS Jack’s Father? Surely it can’t be Victor – there’s only about a 10 year age gap. Dina did mention Neil Fenmore – but that would mean that Jack’s slept with both his half sisters (Jill and Lauren) Hmmmmmm. I give up.