Monday, May 7th

At the house, Jack tries to calm Dina down as she cries for her Mommy and Daddy. She’s completely out of reality, he quietly frets to Ashley that he doesn’t know what to do. We have to cancel the screening, Ashley decides.

Now dressed and in the living room, Nick ends a call with his Mom (he’ll see her after meeting Arturo at the site) Christian asleep upstairs and Mariah and Faith out, he and Sharon decide to order their favourite pizza (it seems both are comfortable falling into their old routine)

Jack calls to report a family emergency – we might have to cancel tonight’s festivities. Dina comes out to ask what he’s talking about – why would you cancel the premiere of my film? No one will ruin her time in the spotlight. Pleased and relieved, Jack will call the theatre back while the ladies help Dina accessorize her outfit. It will be a night to remember.

Still at the club, Lily and Mattie excuse themselves to the ladies room. That leaves Cane to offer to back Charlie’s filmmaking ventures. You’re an OK Dad, Charlie’s willing to put the past behind them.

Kyle arrives at the house to hear that the night was almost cancelled but is back on. Jack then gifts him with his grandfather’s cufflinks. Wear them with pride. We all must try to live up to John’s example. Thanked by Kyle, Jack has one more surprise to attend to (leaving Kyle to look at the boxed cufflinks with what might be guilt)

In their tuxes, Kyle and Billy admire the red carpet Jack’s had laid down at the house. As Abby wonders if Billy finds it weird that Phyllis is with his ex-wife in Canada, all take video and photos with their phones as Jack brings Dina onto the red carpet. Abby thanks her grandmother for sharing her memories. Dina has indeed had a colourful life. Let’s get this show on the road, Jack ushers the family out the front door. Kyle checks his cufflinks and the last out, closes the door behind him.

At the club, Neil, Cane and Charlie are in their tuxes too. Lily informs that Devon’s in Detriot to seal a deal – at least Hilary won’t be there to ruin Charlie’s big night, she adds as they all file out.