Tuesday, June 19th

Vikki confides to Nick that Johnny and Katie seem to have accepted that JT’s gone – but will they grow up thinking that people just come and go like that? Nick’s sure the kids feel safe and loved. And Reed? He feels abandoned, Vikki admits. Nick will have a musician who bonded with Reed at Underground give him a call. Praised as a great Father, Uncle and brother, Nick vows to protect the family – and find JT. Vikki’s smile cracks.

Still at the club, Jack lays out his case – it’s reasonable to suspect he might be Philip Chancellor’s son. He wasn’t faithful to Kay (Jill’s proof of that) Jack’s reached out to chance and Phillip III. Cane doesn’t think one photo is proof of an affair, let alone paternity and he won’t let Jack hurt the Chancellor family. Focus on the here and now – leave the past alone. Cane leaves Jack feeling like he’s been issued a threat.

Removing his shirt, Kyle scoffs at the idea that he’s been pining after Summer for years. There’s plenty of gorgeous women in New York. When he mentions Phyllis dumping his Dad for Billy, Summer warns Kyle not to diss her Mom (the ‘reformed slut’) They have sex in the Jabot elevator, Kyle informs. Summer sees no heat between her Mom and Billy; it won’t last – trust me.

Having brought Victor into her office to hear the threat she was emailed, Vikki’s dismissed (just as Nick predicted) That’s what you brought me in here for? He’s not happy to hear that Nick was consulted about company business. Why was he here? A brotherly visit, Vikki knows Nick will never forgive Victor – the line’s been drawn for good.

Joining Mariah on the rooftop, Hilary’s furious to hear that she’s doing the show solo today – at Devon’s insistence. Why would he do that!? Hilary wonders. What did you do to piss him off this time? Mariah cracks.

At the club, Jack wonders why Victor has no insults for him. I don’t need your pity, he marches off when Victor bids him ‘good day’.

Waved over by Summer, Mariah huffs – why are you summoning me? As Kyle looks amused, Summer chirps that’s she’s interviewing Jabot’s target demographic. A focus group gets paid 50 bucks an hour, Mariah then leans in and threatens to push Summer in the pool (as Kyle snickers)

Hilary comes home to find her suitcase has been packed. Were you going to leave my stuff in the hallway and change the locks!? she shrieks. When he finally manages to get a word in, Devon announces that they’re going to St Croix on vacation. Shawna comes down to say she packed Hilary’s cutest things. Hilary thanks them both – but I can’t go.

Vikki’s surprised to find her office filled with large boxes addressed to her. Opening one, she finds it full of paperwork. OMG, she’s stunned by what she reads.

Hilary appreciates the thought but we can’t leave Shawna alone. Neil’s on duty, Devon explains. Shawna promises she won’t feel abandoned – it was practically my idea. Devon points out that they won’t be able to travel for a while once the baby comes. Hilary agrees – but will need at least one more suitcase.