Friday, November 9th

Kyle convinces Lola to attend the launch party next week. ‘it’ll almost be a bit of fun’.

Nick and Phyllis discuss what a snake Rey is. She then asks Nick to sponsor her launch – and be her date.

I missed you. You were only supposed to be gone a few weeks, Mia whines – I quit my job to be with you. I know you missed me too. Threatening Rey with a kiss he has no interest in, Mia excuses herself to the bathroom but quickly reappears when Sharon drops by to chirp ‘I didn’t know we were having company’.

How much of this is about me and how much is about Billy? Nick likes the idea of walking into the event with Phyllis; who envisions them as a power couple; a force to be reckoned with. Closing the blinds, Nick’s definitely in ~kiss~

Rey introduces his landlord to the wife who surprised him. Sharon’s sorry to interrupt; she’s just checking on the oven. Complimenting Sharon’s nice dress, Mia tells her to have fun on her date’. Have a lovely evening, Sharon murmurs then goes down to the patio to look glum.

Vikki and Nikki assume that Rey hasn’t put all the pieces together since he hasn’t questioned Sharon or Phyllis. Maybe the blackmailer will just walk away.

Carrying a box outside, Mariah watches as Tessa crouches down to transfer money from a mattress to a black duffel bag.

OK, no time for thoughts. But holy hell – line of the week goes to Rey; ‘Do you always keep that kind of cash in the house? Dude, Vikki’s worth half a billion. She likely has that kind of cash beneath her sofa cushions.