Thursday. February 28th, 2019

As all file out, Phyllis defends herself. I didn’t know. I had no idea Chris was going to spin it like that. She knew things I didn’t tell her – someone else has talked to her. You got played by three of the best (the lawyers) Abby snarls. Mariah has no sympathy, neither does Billy. Let’s go Mom, Summer leads her out. Billy tells Jack that they need to act NOW. Jack agrees – we need to get in front of this – we can’t let Phyllis take Jabot down with her.

Back in the courtroom, the defendants are happy with their lawyers’ performance (though Sharon has some questions about the way Mike dealt with Mariah) Mike has questions too – why did he just now hear the background on the video – and not from any of them? You make my job harder by not trusting me. The lies of omission, the conflicting stories are hindering his ability to defend them – and YOU will be the ones to pay the price. All three women look guilty.

Out in the hallway, Jack worries how this sordid mess will affect Jabot. Kerry’s optimistic that it won’t be as bad as he fears. Knowing all about PR nightmares, Jack thinks Phyllis must step down and warns Kerry that her loyalty is admirable but won’t be reciprocated. Just ask the three ladies being taken back to their cells how trusting Phyllis worked out for them.

Billy asks Nick if there’s any truth to what Mike and Briteny said in there – that Phyllis turned on the Vikki and Sharon to eliminate the competition? Nick thinks she just did what she had to do to save herself. Looks like she regrets it. Bit late for that now, Billy concludes.

On the CL’s patio, Phyllis asks Summer if she did the right thing. Chris used me. Summer will stand by her Mom and defend her no matter what. As she goes for coffee, Nate calls to say that she’s a potential liver donour for Lola. Can you come in right away for tests? Summer will have to call him back ~click~ As Phyllis goes in to order, Summer looks horrified.

My Thoughts: Which is is Chris? Is Phyllis parking or is she going through security? …. The elite and oblivious Newmans really do think they’re above the law. It’s obviously not in Nikki’s best interests that Phyllis testify – but how is fleeing town the ‘decent thing’? … Poor Victor – it’s ‘killing’ him that he can’t be in the courtroom? Maybe he should have kept his big mouth shut. And let’s not forget that he’s on house arrest – so it was a courtesy that he was even allowed to go at all. Instead of respecting and appreciating that, he deliberately sabotaged it …. Arent witnesses in a trial held someplace? So they can’t be influenced or intimidated? … Mariah doesn’t work at Dark Horse, nor is she particularly close to Nick. Why on earth would she know who has access to the Dark Horse servers? If that’s important information, why wouldn’t Mike put Nick on the stand and ask him? How could Mariah know the video wasn’t sent from Dark Horse? Have she and Mike never heard of gmail, hotmail etc? If it’s important, subpeona the servers and track the IP… Odd that Britney identifies that the ladies were transporting an ‘old household item’ but doesn’t ask or mention what that item was .. Yet again, no press in sight at a trial that involves the Newmans and a TV show host. I guess there local nightly news will be leading with more interesting breaking news…. If the ladies were purging Vikki’s closet to donate clothes, why hasn’t anyone asked which lucky thrift store received a drop-off of high-end womens’ wear? And no one finds it strange that Mariah wasn’t interested in haute couture hand me downs? (Tessa’s broke and could use some new clothes) … Summer’s despicable. The last thing she wants to do is donate part of her liver to Lola. She’s too vain to willingly scar her body.