Friday, May 24th, 2019

Adam claims that he’s just doing what’s best for everyone. Taking Christian away from the only home and family he knows!? Nick barks. He doesn’t know me but he should – I’m his Dad, Adam reminds. This is about YOU – getting what YOU feel YOU’RE owed, Nick snarls. Now knowing where Nick stands, Adam hopes he doesn’t come to regret the way he’s handled this. Is that a threat? Not at all – Adam’s just expressing concern for his brother – the way family does. We’re done here, a scowling Nick leaves without further word.

Still on the CL’s patio, Billy won’t go rogue but we have to figure out how to handle Adam and Victor. Adam tried to provoke a reaction from Vikki by saying that Victor wants him back at NE. As if I’m so threatened by him that I’d embezzle 500 million from the company, she scoffs. Dad should know what Adam’s intentions are.

Abby’s brings a gift to the apartment (some sort of food processor) After brief mention of Kyle and Arturo, Lola brings up Nate. We’re going out on a sort-of date – just casual, nothing serious, Abby suggests they go shopping to celebrate. Agreeing, Lola goes to grab her purse (giving Abby time to text Kyle – leaving now – coast is clear)

In Jack’s office, Billy finds his brother troubled by Dina’s deterioration (and relays the incident that scared him, Traci and Dina) We’re moving her to a memory-care facility. Billy agrees it’s the right thing to do and is glad to hear that Ashley’s flying in. When he mentions Adam, Jack doesn’t want to hear it. We’ll have to agree to disagree where he’s concerned.

Vikki enters her Dad’s office needing a yes or no answer to her question; are you bringing Adam back to NE and putting him above me? Victor wants the family to work together. So, that’s a yes, Vikki figures. He has a different skillset, Victor wishes she wouldn’t see it as being displaced. Newman is in my blood, Vikki raises her voice – Adam doesn’t care about this company or anyone else. He plans to leave once he finds Chelsea and Connor, gets custody of Christian – and here’s the kicker – 500 million dollars. What? Victor chortles. Both then spot Adam lurking in the doorway.

The coast indeed clear, Kyle lugs in a cardboard box, opens it and takes out instructions and parts (for what appears to be a bookcase)

Going over numbers on their tablets, Jack declares Jabot Collective a success. Billy wonders if he’ll be able to put personal issues aside when Ashley comes. He then tells Jack about his and Vikki’s plans for a commitment ceremony. Jack’s thrilled for them but no, he’s not ready to date just yet. Suspecting his brother’s interested in someone, Billy demands ‘the juice’.

Everything Vikki said is true, Adam tells Victor – Nick’s the same old Nick – he shut him down. And I guess you didn’t come with the funds I asked for, he addresses Vikki. No, she didn’t. Vikki’s further angered when Victor asks her to leave. Now just the two of them, Victor wishes Adam came to tell him that the shooter was apprehended. But I guess there’s a lot you haven’t told me.

Lola comes home to find Kyle in way over his head with the bookcase assembly. Surprise, he says flatly. Loving Kyle so much right now, Lola goes to get Rey’s toolkit from the closet – and soon returns with a power drill.

Jack tells Billy how Lauren set him up with a business associate from Chicago. It went well enough but he realized he’s not ready for the dating scene and would rather focus on work and Dina. Chicago’s not that far of a trip, Billy says in parting.