Wednesday, October 9th, 2019

Lola reappears at the bar to find Theo’s switched to coffee. You really don’t see the pattern, she opines – you knew how Devon would feel about you undermining Mariah just like you knew bringing Zoe to town was a bad idea. And you crossed a line by saying you wish you’d met me before Kyle. Theo was just messing with Lola. She’s not buying it. For some reason, you want to tank your life – like her brother, Arturo. Theo thinks Lola a great chef but lousy shrink. You’re not the only one who can read people, she again leaves him to think.

Summer reports back to Kyle – micro-influencers are getting the word out in key markets etc. This calls for a celebration. Sorry, Kyle has plans with Lola – and advice for Summer. Theo’s playing you the same way he’s played many girls. Don’t feel foolish for falling for it – he’s perfected it. You deserve better.

Cane and Phyllis wonder what the sketchy Adam and the squeaky clean Chance could possibly be working on together. The cops might be interested if this becomes a missing person case, Cane warns – and as he’s shown the door, adds that he’s staying in the room directly below Adam’s. Phyllis refuses to leave – she has more questions for Adam to answer.

Returning home (with Nick) Chelsea’s updated that Connor’s in his room. He was more receptive than last time. Sharon talked about Faith in hopes of opening him up a little. Connor’s holding a lot back and not admitting how angry he is about Victor faking his death. Sharon didn’t want to overwhelm him by bringing up Adam. No, Connor wasn’t rude – but him being polite and calm indicates he’s suppressing his emotions – which could lead to bitterness and resentment. Chelsea’s alarmed – are you saying he’s like Adam?! He’s a little boy reacting as any child would – don’t worry, Sharon reassures. Nick agrees – Connor’s nothing like Adam. Chelsea continues to fret – Connor worships his Dad. Sharon talks of breaking the cycle – with love. Chelsea will go talk to Connor right now. Go easy, Sharon coaches – do more listening than talking. Nick’s left to thank Sharon (who does indeed believe Connor will be OK)

Lola’s trying to hustle Kyle out of Society as Theo loudly talks business on his phone (still at the bar) Is he seriously using this place as an office? Kyle’s annoyed. Lola’s already talked to Theo and called him a cab – let it go. Dude! Come have a drink with me, a drunken Theo wonders where Summer is – you guys are usually joined at the hip. Oh, not literally. Theo’s having a bad day, Lola prevents Kyle from throwing him out. It’s been good to get to know you these past few days – especially your evil side, Theo slurs on his way out – pausing to intently watch Kyle and Lola kiss.

Leaving Jabot, Summer declines a call from Theo.

At CL’s, Kyle fills Lola in that according to Summer Devon fired Theo because he pulled his usual crap. Lola wonders (and will ask) if Mariah persuaded Devon to fire him. He knows he messed up – cut him some slack – this could be the wake-up call he needs to convince him to grow up. No, he’s not playing me, Lola’s sure – Theo’s smart and works hard. But enough about Theo (they race up to bed)

Chelsea comes down to tell Nick that Connor claims they’re all overreacting – about everything. She hates having to ask for someone else’s help with her own son. Nick thinks her asking Sharon for help, despite their history, proves that Chelsea’s a great Mother. Maybe we are making too big a deal of this, Nick considers. Take Sharon’s advice – just love Connor. We’ll get through this – together. And if Connor needs more help than Sharon can provide, Nick will make that happen.

Phyllis isn’t going anywhere until Adam answers her questions – have you been in touch with Chance? What bombshell did he drop on his family? Adam has no idea how or why Chance blew up his family. He (Adam) is done with GC – my life is here in Vegas. Is Chance part of that? Phyllis isn’t satisfied. We’ll see if I’m wasting my time, she leaves Adam to look tense.