Wednesday, October 16th, 2019

At her husband’s side, Lola won’t budge an inch – no money for Adrian; clean up your own mess. I just need a place to stay until I figure out my next move, Adrian implores. Your next move is out of my apartment, a nauseous Lola hurries out – make sure he’s gone when I get back. That leaves Adrian to admit that he’s made mistakes; has regrets – he loves Lola but she hates me. If anything would happen to me, she’d take it hard, Adrian would hate for anything to throw her off course. Knowing he’s being played, Kyle writes a cheque – this is a one-time thing. Adrian gives his word that he won’t hurt Lola again.

Getting voicemail, Connor cries that his Dad’s forgotten all about him. Nick and I love you, Chelsea will never stop loving her son – of course, no matter what ~hug~ Nick adds his support.

Traci reads the letter Dina sent to Stewart before going off to college; which ends with a quote from Shakespeare – I must be cruel only to be kind… What the devil does that mean? Jack’s baffled.

Jack and Dina debate why Dina would quote Shakespeare – Stewart kept her letter as long as Dina kept his old photo. They then notice smudges on the scanned letter displayed on the monitor – or could they be teardrops? Was Mother crying when she wrote this note?

Chelsea lists all the people who love Connor. What a lucky boy you are – they missed you and are so happy you’re back. Let’s focus on the people who want to cherish you instead of those we’ve lost. Nick and Christian join them with popcorn – it’s game night! Parcheesi? Chess? Nick jokes – The quiet game? How about ‘who can get the most popcorn in their mouth’? Nick tosses a handful at Chelsea. Connor suggests superhero charades. The boys against the adults – winners get ice cream.

Lola – can I come in? No, if you see me like this the honeymoon’s over – there’s nothing you can do. Kyle will hold her hair or her hand. He promised to stand by Lola’s side in sickness and in health. I’m not budging, he sits on the floor outside the bathroom door and blathers on about how much he loves Lola.

Traci takes a seat beside Adrian at the bar to order a Pheonix Rising. I’ve seen you before, Adrian recognizes her from the wedding and senses that his reputation proceeds him. The drink’s on me, he wants to show Traci that he’s not all bad.

On the sofa and wrapped in a blanket, Lola thanks the best husband ever for her favourite crackers and ginger ale. No fever, so perhaps the bug is behind her. No, Lola’s not disappointed that he’s gone – OK, maybe this much. He can’t take care of himself, she worries – Adrian is a kid himself. We’ll be the best parents, Lola and Kyle are sure. Whatever life gives us will be an amazing journey. They exchange I love you’s and a hug.

You’ve had a very interesting life, Traci won’t rule it out that Adrian finds himself in one of her books one day. Truth is stranger than fiction. I’ll drink to that, Traci clinks his glass.

Back at the house, Jack again reads the Shakespeare quote. Were you cruel Mother? Is the worst behind us?

Sucking at superhero charades, Nick and Chelsea suggest a movie marathon for their next family night. When the boys go for popsicles, Nick agrees with Chelsea that Connor seems to be feeling better (and bonding with Nick) We’ll get through this as a family – us against the world ~kiss~