Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019

Where am I supposed to go? Phyllis sputters. You co-own a hotel, and no, Adam doesn’t believe TGP is fully booked. I have someone moving in – it’s not a ‘she’, it’s Connor. You must have kidnapped him – Phyllis knows Chelsea and Nick would never allow it. Chelsea did indeed go along with it and Nick doesn’t get a say. Phyllis is happy for Adam and hopes things work out. I don’t think you realize I’m the only friend you have in this town, she announces before flouncing upstairs.

OK, the car’s all packed up. Nick can tell Connor’s super pumped to go live with his Dad. I can’t wait to get there, Connor says. We’ll still have ice cream every Wednesday and see each other all the time, Nick chokes up. I won’t miss any of your games. Call me if you need anything, day or night. Tolerating Nick’s hug, Connor whines to his Mom – can we go now? Thank you, Chelsea sniffles as she caresses Nick’s cheek then follows Connor out.

Why didn’t Chance send these to me instead of photocopies? papers in hand, Amanda declares Jill’s grandson a real man of mystery. She feels she’s owed an apology for being called a liar. Jill and Cane then reassure Devon that Kay loved him. This was a shock to everyone. There’s nothing legally they can do – it’s a moral decision. What happens next …. Is up to me, Devon growls.

Back on the patio, Elena feels horrible for pushing Nate into trying to fix things with Abby. I really thought you guys would sort it out. Not done matchmaking, she does have the number of a cute resident. Pulling out her phone, Elena reads a text from Devon – new developments re: will. I could really use you here. Nate will come along for backup.

Before they can decide where to go on their date, Rey needs to excuse himself to answer a call. Scurrying in from the patio, Mariah weakly claims to have pulled something at cardio boxing. She’s happy to hear things are working out between her Mom and Rey. With Adam out of the picture, Sharon thinks she and Rey have a shot.

Nice touch, Phyllis (her luggage packed) comments as Adam brings out a tray of milk and cookies. He’s not staging the place – this is for real. Connor’s a lucky kid, Phyllis thinks he’ll bounce back. Summer didn’t turn out that bad, Adam returns her buried compliment. Come on in, Adam opens the door when Chelsea and Connor arrive. What are you doing here? Chelsea yelps. Just leaving. With a hug for his Mom, Connor runs upstairs to check out his room. Adam reassures Chelsea that he won’t let their son down again – he’ll be the man Connor can look up to. He can’t take any more trauma, Chelsea holds her tears until she exits.

My grandmother didn’t leave me the money, Devon’s crestfallen. Oh honey, Elena’s so sorry. If she left it to Tucker or Mac, Devon would understand – she didn’t even pick somebody decent – she picked Cane, the man who broke my sister’s heart. That’s gotta be killing you, Nate sympathizes. Elena thinks Devon should take all the time he needs. That money changed my life – now if I have to give it all back ….. Devon’s beside himself.

Cane and Jill are at CL’s. That was difficult – they hated hurting Devon like that. I guess we wait until he decides what to do. And if he doesn’t do anything, will you just let it go? Jill asks.

Devon had no idea why Kay left him this money. Thinking it meant she had faith in him, he started donating it. All of that now feels like a lie. Nate can only think of one person who’d know what to do – what would Neil say if he were here?

No, that was not the agreement – no, Amanda says into her phone, then hangs up when Phyllis arrives at TGP to announce that she’s not just a co-owner, she’s moving in. Say hello to your new neighbor.

A depressed Chelsea comes home to be comforted by Nick. I want my sweet boy back. If I didn’t do this, I’d lose my son forever. You won’t, Nick promises with a hug.

After video games, it’s time for milk and cookies. Adam admits that he screwed up but makes it clear how much he loves his son. What do you want to do next? He’s honoured to be the first one to sign Connor’s cast. It;’s going to be great living here together again. I missed you Dad. I missed you too, son ~hug~ From now on we’ll be inseparable. The cast is signed ‘You and me kid’.