Friday, August 14th, 2020

Chelsea comes downstairs to ask Adam if he’d like to come with her to pick up Connor. No, he’s not ready to face Victor yet. Have faith in us, Chelsea delivers a pep talk. Adam’s not up for making plans – he needs to clear his head. Do what you gotta do, Chelsea leaves.

Arriving at TGP, Abby’s met with a gloating Phyllis – now enjoying the peace and quiet. Well played, Abby knows she’s responsible for turning her hotel site into an archeological dig. Enjoy your victory – it won’t last long.

Victor tells Chelsea that Connor’s in the stable visiting a new fowl. How’s Adam? Still in shock. Victor’s calls aren’t’ being returned – let him know his Father’s thinking of him. He needs a bit of space but Chelsea promises to help Adam through this.

Rey opens the door with a huff – what do you want. Let him in please, Sharon wants to finish the chat Nick interrupted. Rey leaves to give them some privacy – don’t overstay your welcome. Brushing aside Sharon’s apology for yesterday, Adam surprises her by saying he’s there to see how she is.

Adam issues a sincere apology – Nick told him about the cancer, the surgery. It’s fine, Sharon tears up – she would have told him yesterday. Feeling guilty, Adam understands why Sharon didn’t tell him. Tears glistening, she struggles to remain optimistic and wants to help Adam.

Rey joins Nick at CL’s to update that Sharon’s doing OK and talking to Adam. Nick’s frustrated; Rey’s bewildered – I thought that guy was out of our lives for good. He always comes back, Nick informs.

In her office, Vikki makes a call. I guess I’m the last person you expected to hear from (she wants to get together as soon as possible)

A smug Abby will sit back and let Phyllis do what she does best. Winning? No, self-destructing. Phyllis insists she WILL be able to make her payments – with a new secret venture. Abby then joins Chance. His questions about Adam cause her to roll her eyes (as it seems he’s concerned)

Seeing that Adam’s agonizing over killing that man when he was a little boy, Sharon encourages him to talk.

Chelsea knows Victor works hard to be a good Father and has no doubt that he flew to Kansas to help Adam. He’s glad they’re on the same side; for Adam. Victor shares his regret over going along with Hope raising Adam without him.

Sauntering into the new CEO’s office, Jack declares Vikki’s call the most intriguing thing that’s happened to him all day.

Noticing that Victor’s portrait isn’t on the wall, Jack’s told that it was moved to the boardroom. However, Vikki won’t tell him how she got Adam to step down.

Rey isn’t jealous of Adam but worries Sharon will invite him back into her life when she needs to focus on her health.