Wednesday, August 26th, 2020

Sharon’s glad that Adam’s remembering but you were an eleven-year-old boy acting in the heat of the moment to protect his Mother. And your mind blocked it out to protect you. Be proud of yourself. Adam may never feel proud of himself ever again. He’s so tired but not sure he can rest. Um. Will you stay? Sharon’s not going anywhere.

Billy relays the story of Adam killing a man; Victor covering it up. He didn’t go to the police or get Adam help like a normal parent would. Guessing Vikki’s the source, Lily doesn’t see how they’ll keep her name out of it. Victor’s lawyers will sue us into oblivion. We can’t risk our company over a rumour. Amanda has an idea – find the proof. After Lily strides out, a concerned Amanda declines Billy’s invite to have a celebratory drink. Lily returns to her desk to give Billy a knowing smirk.

Nodding off, Adam has unsettling dreams/recollections.

You lent Sharon your jet to track Adam down in Kansas? Nick scolds Victor for risking her recovery. Adam’s damaged; maybe since birth or maybe since he was eleven. But make no mistake, Adam will do just fine. He’s not the one you should be worried about right now, Nick warns.

In TGP lobby, Amanda informs Nate that Billy wants to run a huge story; risky with no proof. If it checks out it’ll put ChanceCom on the map. It’s THAT big. The fall could be too, Nate warns. Amanda smiles as she describes Billy as an evil genius. He really gets under your skin, doesn’t he?

We need the kind of proof that holds up in court – Lily also worries that this story’s too personal. It could come across as a vendetta. Don’t say anything without running it by me. ChanceCom isn’t your poker table. Billy’s sure this is going to be a big story.

Sharon reassures Adam when he awakens panting. You’re not alone. I’m with you. I’m thirsty, he stands. You have support – people care about you, Sharon continues. Seconds after Adam exits the room, Chelsea enters. Looks like it’s all working out the way you planned, she snarls at Sharon.

Amanda wouldn’t say that Billy gets under her skin – she has mixed feelings about him. He’s constantly trying to push the limits. It’s exhausting to be the one pumping the brakes. Exhilarating too, Nate assumes. Yes, but that’s not the way Amanda (or Lily) want to run their lives. Part of her thrives on being the enemy of reckless behaviour. It sounds like Billy needs you, Nate concludes.

Spare me the therapy-speak. YOU want to be the one Adam turns to, Chelsea accuses. Sharon wants to focus on Adam.

Connor’s the one you should worry about, Nick clarifies. Victor’s protecting him. Chelsea’s the best thing that ever happened to Adam. Connor will be the one who suffers if Adam stays in Kansas. Frustrated, Victor barks that he’d have done the same thing for any of his kids.

Billy promises to back up the story so Lily feels better about it. She’ll hold him to it.

Nate gets it – you and Billy are a team, like me and Elena. Yes, she agrees.

At the clinic, Elena calls Devon to leave him a message. I’m thinking about you. Hanging up, she looks weepy and troubled.

Back at Society, Nick agrees that his Father has supported him many times. But with Adam it’s different. He’s had so many issues. You’d do the same for your son, Victor thinks. No, but Adam would – of all your children, he’s the one you truly connect with, Nick leaves Victor to huff ‘that’s absurd’.

Adam needs to know he has people on his side, Sharon explains. You mean yourself, Chelsea argues. Sharon wasn’t trying to shut her out. I’m here now, let’s go home, Chelsea coos at Adam – then turns to glare at Sharon – you’ve done enough!