Wednesday, May 12th, 2021

Adam has dwindling options – there’s no way I can win this game. Victor takes no joy in seeing Adam flounder. Adam forfeits. What move would have won me the game? Allow me, Chelsea says from her wheelchair.

Chelsea walks over – you thought I was out of sight, out of mind? You brought Sharon in to be my therapist when I was helpless. You kissed her. Adam wanted Chelsea to get better. You can’t see the move right in front of you. Checkmate. I was your queen. You could have had everything you ever wanted. It’s too late now. You drove me to lose my mind. You played a helluva game – let’s have a drink, Victor vacates his seat for Vikki. You’ll never be a knight like Nick or Rey, she taunts. It’s not about how you play the game, it’s about winning. Check. I’m the one you should fear the most. Adam awakens with a gasp.

In realtime, Nate has good news for Sharon and Nick – it appears that Faith will make a full recovery; Adam’s kidney will function as her own. Watching Adam amble by pushing his IV rack, Sharon correctly guesses that he wants to check on Faith. Nick joins him as he peeks in her window. You did the right thing. You’re a free man – what will you do now? Nick asks. Adam can’t be with Connor just yet. I lost the game but I can reset; make amends. I’m sorry, for everything. Sharon comes out after Adam moves on. Is he OK? Nick thinks so – he was talking about making amends, apologized (could be the drugs) They agree that Adam wants to change.

Sharon goes to visit Adam in his room – how are you? She’ll never be able to thank him enough. It’s the least I could do, Adam’s humble. Nick thinks I was rambling because of the meds but Adam knew exactly what he was saying. He wants to be a better person. Sharon sits on his bed to ask that he let her go; finally and completely. When he agrees to do so, Sharon accepts her role – What happened between us wasn’t one-sided. You and Rey love each other, Adam will help them find their way back to each other. Yes, it IS possible – it’s going to happen! Adam will use his powers for good, not evil. Looking disappointed, Sharon leaves him to get some rest.

Nick’s at TGP with amazing news for Phyllis – Faith’s body’s accepting the transplant. He appreciates her support and likes this reliable Phyllis much better. Chelsea was the one who poisoned Rey – she had a psychotic break, he adds. Nick feels bad for her and is cautiously optimistic that Adam’s a changed man.

Victor now visits Adam; who won’t let his Dad down. He’s ready to move forward. Victor has full confidence in that and declares Adam’s back home where he belongs.

Now home, Victor pours a drink. He sits at the chess board. Look at that – check mate. I win again, he says to himself.