Friday, June 15th, 2021

Running into Summer at CL’s (where he’s picking up cinnamon rolls for his grandson) Jack invites her back to the house – Harrison’s napping and Kyle should be done sending emails. With forced cheerfulness, she agrees.

Tara just got off the phone with her lawyer – Ashland’s custody offer came in this morning. It seems to be legit. Jack’s theory is that he took Vikki to NY – maybe he’s losing interest in punishing me. Kyle hopes so.

Ashland joins Vikki in a NY hotel suite. Avoiding divorce talk, he does the honours (opening and pouring wine)

Wrapping up business at Society, Lauren informs that Tara Locke didn’t commit. Sally got to know her a bit; we’re both creative women in need of a fresh start. And how’s that going? Lauren praises Sally’s work – but are you happy?

At the Chancellor Estate, Abby’s alarmed to read news online that a Vegas sting operation resulted in six people being rushed to the hospital, including a federal agent. Nina looks equally worried.

Lauren and Sally discuss Phyllis’s failed bit to have Lauren transfer Sally to Fenmore’s in LA. Of course I want you here. And of course you can take the rest of the day off – go have fun.

Nina talks Abby off the ledge; Chris won’t tell us where Chance is. We have no choice but to tough it out together.

Jack comes home to hear that Tara and Kyle have been working on her putting down roots in GC. Summer arrives in time to hear Jack liking Kyle’s idea of her working with Lauren. When Kyle repeats that Tara’s starting a new life in GC, Summer exclaims ‘fantastic’. When Jack and Kyle head out to conduct some business, Tara asks Summer to stay and get acquainted – since they’ll be a big part of each other’s lives.

When Tara brings out tea and pumpkin bread, Summer declines – she already ate. Harrison’s adorable and the wedding plans are coming right along. No, Kyle spending time with his son isn’t a problem. No need to be concerned about our relationship; Kyle and I have endured much more challenging situations.

Jack waits in TGP lobby while Kyle runs up to fetch a flashdrive. Sally ends a call as she wheels her luggage past. Are you moving back to LA? Jack thinks the pace more suited to her. No, Sally’s not leaving GC – she’s staying. Excuse me, I have a plane to catch. Jack’s left looking disappointed.

Prattling on about her year in Italy, Vikki jokes that it’s not too late for Ashland to chuck it all in to escape to Paris. Suddenly serious, Ashland confides that he didn’t have a meeting earlier; he had an appointment with a specialist – it’s too late, for a lot of things.

Sorry but I’ll have to continue tomorrow folks.