Wednesday, June 30th, 2021

Mariah thinks it weird that Ben showed up and invited Abby to a party. Abby understands that it must be overwhelming for him to be back in this town – where he once thought he’d raise a family (with her) Mariah realizes she’s being ‘judgy’ and will stop being so cynical. Now alone with Abby, Devon asks if seeing Stitch hit her harder than she’s letting on.

Seeing Ben made Abby uncomfortable – she feels guilty. Things were always so difficult with him, not easy like with Chance. Devon doesn’t want Abby to blame herself for Ben’s bad luck. Are you really happy? he prods, encouraging her to ‘keep the faith’.

Kyle comes down to report that Harrison’s smiling in his sleep. He’s sorry he was short with Tara earlier – it’s been a long day. Tara’s offer to listen still stands. Kyle admits it was hard to pack up and leave the suite he shared with Summer – and, their ‘dreamhouse’ is almost finished but will sit empty. I can’t believe it’s over. Change of subject – hearing that Tara hasn’t eaten either but picked up brownies, Kyle jumps up – ‘table for two’, he leads the way to the kitchen.

Jack’s going home to see that Kyle’s settled in – let me know if Summer calls. He wants to give her space. After Phyllis walks away, Sally strolls in to say it’s a great night. Any particular reason why? Jack’s informed that Lauren promoted her to Summer’s job (on Summer’s recommendation) Phyllis reappears in the background as Sally has something to ask Jack.

Nikki warns Vikki not to count on Ashland’s word. I’m going to close this deal, Ashland knows I’ll protect his company from the sharks. Your Father is a ‘great white’, Nikki quips. Vikki’s been invited to take another trip with Ashland; we’ve become friends; built trust. Nikki suggests he might be playing games – using his health and his company to lure Vikki in. He wouldn’t turn on me, Vikki’s sure. Don’t be so confident, Nikki concludes.

As Phyllis lurks in the background, Sally invites Jack to join her for a drink – just one – as friends. Phyllis sprints over – she hates to interrupt but really needs to talk to Jack – you don’t mind, right Sally? I’ll be at Society if you care to join me, Sally leaves Jack to tell Phyllis to butt out – what happens with Sally is for ME to decide.

Abby gets another visitor; Victor. After briefly discussing Summer leaving and Mariah’s pregnancy going smoothly, she tells him that Ben stopped by. Victor misses his sparring session with Ben and is sorry to hear that Max’s condition has worsened. Abby wishes there was something she could do to help him.

Mariah’s surprised to find Ben at CL’s but understands why he didn’t stay long at the retirement party. He thinks what she’s doing for Abby is great. What have you been up to? Mariah’s all ears – spill.

Abby’s not sure her reminiscing with Ben helped him at all. His life’s not going nearly as well as mine. You could have turned him away at the door, Victor points out – instead, you were compassionate. He’s sure that meant a lot to Ben.

Yes, Ben’s still practicing medicine in Iowa City. Work and checking on Max takes up all his time. Well that sucks, Mariah jokes – great seeing you tonight – again. Have a safe flight, she adds before leaves.

A courier’s dropped off a large envelope for Tara. It’s the custody agreement; exactly what Ashland said it’d be – he kept his promise to do what’s for Harrison, she relays. Kyle thinks that great news – for Harrison and for us.

Still at her desk, Vikki calls Ashland to say that she’s free to go to LA with him after all.

‘Just one drink’, Jack and Sally share a smile when he joins her at Society’s bar.